Saturday, December 31, 2011

Squat 12/30

Prowler pushes to warm up a little.

Front Squat
worked up to 365 x 3
405 x 1 PR

Good Morning
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 3 x 3
225 x 3

Leg Curl
100 x 10 x 3

Back Squat with chains
225 + 40 pounds chain x 3
225 + 80 pounds chain x 3
225 + 120 pounds chain x 3
315 + 120 pounds chain x 3
380 + 120 pounds chain x 1

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Pressing 12/26 and Deads 12/28

My schedule is all screwed up with Christmas and Pat and Melissa wanted to train on Monday so that's what I did.


Decided to work up to a heavy single.

225 x some
315 x 1
365 x 1
410 x fail (stupid jump)
365 x 1
385 x 1
405 x fail again. I just wanted to get this weight back in my hands. 385 feels really easy so I know this isn't far.

Push Press
200 x 3
250 x 3
300 x 3

Swiss Bar Incline
200 x 5
250 x 5 x 2

Bent over Rows
225 x 5 x 4


I decided that since my schedule is off I would just do what I want this week.


I did 3 sprints of around 60-70' one way, down and back, with maybe 15 seconds between runs. So 6 total trips with very little rest.

225 x 3
315 x 3
315 x 1
405 x 3
405 + 40 pounds chain x 1
405 + 80 pounds chain x 1
405 + 120 pounds chain x 1
405 + 160 pounds chain x 1
405 + 200 pounds chain x 2 singles
405 x 5

GHR with swiss ball and bench
5 sets of 3 to 5

Hamstring curls
100 x 3 sets of 10

Ab Wheel
3 sets of 5

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Deadlift sort of deload 12-20

I decided to just do some speed pulls with pretty light weight. I'm actually thinking I will do these every other week and then do my 5/3/1 weights and reps the other weeks.


315 x 3 x 10 sets

I got all of these done in about 10 minutes, maybe less.

Swiss ball glute ham raise

3 sets of 5

I really like these, and from what I remember an actual glute ham raise bench feeling like they mimic the exercise pretty well.

Glute bridge

225 x 10 x 3 sets

Hamstring curl

45 x 10
100 x 10 x 2 sets

Bent over row/ ab wheel superset

100 x 10 x 5 sets rows
5 sets of 5 on ab wheel

Jump Rope/ EZ bar curls superset (kind of conditioning)
100 jumps x 5 sets
75 x 10 x 5

This wasn't a real heavy workout by any means, but I feel pretty good about what I got done. The extra hamstring work has made my lower back and knees feel a lot better than before, which reinforces more to me that my hamstring strength is really lacking.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Events 12-18


480 x 60' x 2 runs
580 x 60' x 2 runs


90 pounds

60' high handles down, low handles back
9 runs
I run down back down back
I run down back 30', 30' down, back

Not a great day, but conditioning was good.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Deads 12-13

I should have listened to my body and myself, and stuck with my plan of deadlifting every other week. I just am not set up to try to deadlift heavy every week.

525x2 I was supposed to get at least 3 here.

Pendlay Rows

225 x 10 x 5 sets

Good Morning with safety bar
155 x 5 x 4 sets

Leg Curl

90 x some

Ab wheel
5 x 5

Leg Curl on stability ball

Band Leg Curls

I tried a couple different variations of these and couldn't get the setup to feel right.

Later on I decided I needed to do a little conditioning.

Jump Rope tabata type thing

50 jumps, 10 seconds rest, 10 rounds.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Week of 12/5

Overhead 12/8

Worked up to 215 x4 seated with no back support.


I usually bench and then do overhead, but did it backwards today. My bench was off a little. 305x8

Deads 12/6

This turned out to be one of those times when I couldn't go 5 minutes without getting interupted, so it wasn't the best workout.

Worked up to 495x6

Events 12/11


I'm pretty happy that I can handle 300 on the axle any day of the week now, when a month or two ago the most I had done in the gym was 300.

18" Deadlift
405 x 3
550 x 7

Obviously this was a stupid jump, and I had on a Spud belt which I like for certain things, but not for this. I really need to do some work on these.

Sandbag load to 48"

Jesse, Troy, and I started these indian style. They were each doing one rep and I was doing 2 for 5 rounds. Then Jesse decided to do more than his one rep, so Troy did a set of 5, so then I did a set of 12. These had me breathing pretty hard, but I think I could have gotten at least 3-5 more reps out of it. My forearms are torn up from the bag today though.

Core Circuit
1. Blast Strap Pike
2. Pallof Presses
3. 50 lb. Med Ball slam
4. rest

There were 4 of us, which explains the 4 stations. 10 reps for exercise, 3 times through.

This was almost more of a conditioning exercise to me than it was core.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Strongman 12/3

worked up to 300x1
360x0 I got this cleaned and just didn't have air to press it.

Axle Deadlifts
300 x some


330 x 1
360 x 1
405 x 2

Sledge Swings / Blast Strap Pikes
10 swings per arm and 10 pikes x 3 sets

Monday, November 21, 2011

Strongman Events 11/20

Axle C&P

Warm up to 200x5
I wanted to do sets of 5 at 250, but Jesse and Troy told me to go heavier.
300 x 6 - This was already a pretty big PR because I had only ever done 1 rep here.
330 x 1 - 5 pound all time PR
350 x 1 - not including the 330, this was a 25 pound all time PR

That's a video of the last two.

200 per hand x 60 feet - 5 runs

This was the first time since I hurt my ankle that I've done any sort of moving event, so I took it pretty easy on them.

Blast Strap face pulls
15 x 3

Blast Strap knee to chest
10 x 3

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday 11/17 Upper

Well after the complete shit show of a workout (or lack there of) I had on Tuesday it was nice to get back in the gym and feel good today.


I think it's safe to say that I could bump up my bench numbers on 531, but I might just leave them alone too.

I did these all seated without a back support since my ceiling is too low in my basement to do them standing.

DB Incline

+20 pounds chain x 3
+40 x 3
+60 x 3
+80x2 - the first two felt easy and I went down for a third and tweaked something in my left pec so I stopped

I planned on doing chain loaded blast strap pushups too, but my pec hurt so I didn't.

Feet elevated blast strap rows
BWx8x3 sets

Friday, November 11, 2011

Upper 11/10


Strict Press
165 x 3
185 x 3
205 x 5


Chain Push Ups
8 chains, 3 reps per weight


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pull 11/8

Worked out at home. Jellers came over.


I am doing 531 again, but I think I am going to do my last set as the prescribed reps only. I think I will get more out of it this way.

Deads + Chains
405 + 40 pounds chains x 1
+80 pounds chain x 1
+120 pounds chain x 1
+160 pounds chain x 1
+200 pounds chain x 1
These were all fast and easy.

Axle Rows
210 x 5 x 5 sets

Barbell Rows
275 x 3
295 x 3
315 x 3

I did these kind of supersetted with the rows
BW x 3
maybe a couple more sets

Hack Squat
I'm not sure how much the sled weighs on my hip sled, I'd guess around 150.
+200 x 3
+300 x 3
+400 x 3
+490 x 5

I really like these as long as my knees feel good. I think they mimic car deadlift pretty close.

Paloff Presses
5 sets of 10

DB Rows supersetted with Ab wheel
100 x 10 x 5 sets rows
4 sets of 5 on wheel

I'm not sure what to call them, but basically they are the same set up as hack squats on my leg press, but I'm facing forward.
200 x 5
200 x 3 x 2

I think I will do these more often. They seem like they would help with being more explosive.

I did a few sets of EZ bar curls in between stuff.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Squat and Events

Wasn't sure how this would go because my ankle is still a little less mobile than I'd like.

Ended up with 315 x 5
365 x 5
405 x 5

I did some hypers and that was plenty for the night.


Axle C&P
warm up
200 x 3
220 x 3
250 x 3
260 x 1
280 x 1
300 x 1
325 x 1 PR - this is a 25 pound PR on this set up. I had done 320 on an axle with tires, but the tires make the clean way easier. This went up pretty easily too, and had I not done so many sets up to it I probably would have gone up again.

330x 1
405 x 2 singles
330 x 3, I lapped it two more times, but they felt off and I set it back down.

That was pretty much it. I need to take it a little easier on my foot still I think because it was aching pretty good after this.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Deads 11/1

I decided to start 531 again. We'll see how many cycles I make it before I decide I know more than the program.


worked up to like 185 for 1 or something. I have no idea how to do these but there a good little warm up.


375 x 5
435 x 5
495 x 6

Not impressive at all, and I expected it. Reps do not feel good right now.

Fat DB Row
100 x 5 x 4 sets

Safety Bar Squat

245 x 10 x 3 sets

Paloff Presses

Light band x 10 x 5 sets

I feel like there was something else I did too but don't remember. That was all at Jesse's. I wanted to do my ab wheel at home, so after I got home I did:

BB Rows
225 x 5
275 x 5
225 x 5 x 2

Those supersetted with ab wheel for 5 reps per set.

Side Planks with Blast Straps (just to see what they were like)

2 ea by about 20 seconds per side

Hack Squats

I really like these on my leg press, it is set up to leg press or hack squat, because I feel like they emulate a car dl somewhat, but they work really well on my quads and glutes.

sled+200 x 10
sled+300 x 10

Monday, October 31, 2011

Events 10/30

Axle C&P
110, 160, 200, 220, 250 most of these were sets of 5

I planned on doing 3 sets of 5 at 270. My last set went not so well, so I did one more.

230 x a couple
330 x 5
330 x 5 singles basically

I just wanted to do a set of 10 at 330. The first 5 went quick, the last 5 weren't so quick.


20 total sprints of 80' each

I did mostly down and back type sprints, so 160' at once and a couple down, back, down, back, so 320' total.

Shoulder raises
4 sets of 5 with a 3 second pause at the top of each.

That was basically it. Not a ton of variety, but I felt like I got a lot of quality work in.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Bench Day 10/27

I did a warm up before including foam rolling, shoulder traction, pull aparts, band front raises, band face pulls, Blast strap face pulls, rear delt raises, and BW squats. My upper back and legs needed some blood in them from deads on tuesday.

Close Grip Incline
135 x 10
225 x 5
245 x 5
275 x 3
315 x 1
275 x 3
245 x 5

I don't remember the last time I pressed 315 on an incline, let alone close grip, and this went up easy so hopefully it means I'm getting stronger.

DB Bench Press
I used basically a neutral grip on all of these and kept my elbows tucked.
100 x 5 x 4 sets

BW x 5 x 5 sets
I need to get my chains cleaned up so I can add weight on these when I do them.

Floor Press
135 x 10
225 x 5
275 x 3 x 2
225 x 5

Blast Stap pushups
BW x 10 x 5 sets

Blast Strap tricep extensions
10 x 3

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Deads 10/25

This was the first day back to pulling full deads since I hurt my foot. I was planning on staying light and being smart, but they felt good so that all went out the window.

Weight over bar

A few attempts at 13' and one over 13.

95, 115, 135, 155

I have no clue how I am supposed to do these and don't really think I probably get much more than a little warm up and activation from them.


335 x 5
425 x 5
515 x 2
565 x 1
585 x 1
605 x fail x 2 times
I got the 605 off the ground pretty well, and then completely stalled out at my knees. I am definitely happy with these for not pulling in about 10 weeks though.

Deads with Chains
I think it was around 385 at the top, so not real heavy.

3 sets x 5 reps

fat bar row

100 x 5 x 2
120 x 5

I left Jesse's after that and went home and did the following:

Superset ab wheel/ lighter Kroc rows

Ab Wheel
BW x5 x 5

100 x 20
100 x 10 x 3

BW x 10
BW x 15

Monday, October 24, 2011

Events and stuff

This was my first week in the gym being able to do anything without my boot on. Otherwise I had done a little benching and some other things, but not a whole lot.

I did a nice paused single of 355 on the bench, which isn't anything to write home about, but I haven't been benching heavy at all so I was happy with that.

I squatted for the first time since before my injury on 10/21. It went fairly well. I used a safety bar for the first time and got up to a nice single at 385, and then got buried with 425 since my legs were already jello and I think I'm missing a little core and back stability from the lack of training. I went down to 245 and did a set of 10 and then a set of 15 reps.

Events 10/23

Axle clean and press

worked up to 250x10 - not hard, but I was sucking air pretty hard by the end.
270x3 - went up easy so I wanted to go heavier
300x1 - first went up pretty well, I tried a second rep but was gassed.

I can't complain at all about these since I tied a gym PR after taking 8 weeks off.

Double overhand Axle deadlift

worked up to 330, which I missed. I got 320 pretty easy though. I have a decent grip, but it's something I would like to put some emphasis on.

18" deadlift

worked up to 600x1

I absolutely hate pulling from this position. It seems like it is right at the point where I should be transitioning from pulling power from the floor and lockout strength, and the start feels terrible. Something to work on I guess.


There are definitely some mental blocks I need to get over on stones. I also have lost a lot of flexibility in my ankle and could tell it was affecting me a lot on these.

I lapped the 360 again, but my legs were just dead from squatting still on Friday and everything else.

I pushed the prowler a couple times and that was pretty much it.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Front Squat and Pulling 8-2

I can't squat Friday so I figured I would bundle it with deadlifts, and to put the icing on the cake do front squats instead of back.

Warm Up:
Foam Roll
a couple sets of squats with just the bar

Hang Cleans (very light, just to get my CNS activated)
135x3 3 sets maybe

Front Squat
225 x 3
275 x 3
315 x 3
350 x 3 (I had never done any sort of reps with more than 275 before this as far as I can remember)

602.5x1 22.5 pound PR
615x1 excluding the 602.5 pull right before this, this was a 35 pound PR.
I was going to go to maybe 575 after the 545 since my previous PR was a slow, hitched, just bad in general pull of 580. Jesse told me to go 600 because all the previous pulls went up very well. Since a couple people I train with had pulled exactly 600, and since I have 1.25 pound plates, I went 602.5. That went up, for a lack of a better word, easy. I knew I had more in me, but not a lot so I went 615 and it came up nice and clean, not fast but not slow, no hitch at all. Jesse got a video of it, but I don't have it.

Squats from pins starting at about the position I pull from
I think doing these will help deadlifts, squats somewhat, stones a little, and picks for farmers and frame.

Ab Wheel
3 sets of 5

I couldn't be happier with the workout overall since I went into it feeling kind of shitty and run down because of allergies. Everything just felt good so I took what I could get.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Events 7-24

Since I competed on Saturday I used this more as a conditioning day.

Monster Dumbbell
I worked up to some singles at 147, tried 162 and failed, and then did a little medly with a 147 DB, 200 keg and 250 log.

Jump Rope, dumbbell, kettle bell medley thing
I started out with 2 sets of 100 jumps.
Then I decided to do 50 jumps, a dumbbell complex with 15 pounds of side raises, front raises, ohp, rows, and thrusters, another 50 jumps and a set of kb snatches. I did this 3 times, so 300 jumps and 3 sets of complexes and kb snatches.

Tire Flip
600 pound tire
3 sets of 5 flips

Keg Carry
200 pound keg
50 feet and back twice (50 feet, drop the keg, pick it back up, 50 feet back)
60 feet and back twice

That was good for the day and we were all ready to eat since Jesse was cooking some burgers for lunch.

Dino Gym Challenge 7-23

Max Axel
280, 300, 320
1st place
These were all easy and I think I could have probably pressed 20-30 more pounds. These felt a lot better than they had in training.

Fingal Fingers
I was last to go and heard from everyone before me how hot these were from the sun. I ended up finishing the 3 heavy fingers in just over 26 seconds. I found out they weren't joking about how hot they were and ended up with my hands getting burnt a little bit.
1st place

Farmers (300 per hand)
I didn't feel like I was moving all that fast, but finished a 70' run in 10.09 seconds so not too slow.
1st place

Power Stairs
3 steps
300, 350, 400 pounds implements
16.xx seconds
1st place

I am not real proud of how stones went, but I learned a valuable lesson. I will never again wear sleeves for stones when it is that hot out. I ended up having a bunch of sweat run out of my sleeves and onto my tacky and it turned it into vaseline. I also should have taken one or two more attempts. I still finished first in the heavyweights but am dissapointed with what I loaded.

I got first in the heavyweights and had a really fun day with some interesting events you don't see very often. It was also a good test to be out in the heat. It was 101 degrees at 10 am and 112 by the time we wrapped up.

The Dino Gym is one of the most interesting places I have been and I envy their setup and equipment. The people who train there are extremely lucky. It was good to see some familiar faces and a few new people. Overall it was a pretty relaxed competition I felt like and was a very good time.

Monday, July 18, 2011

7-17 Events


Worked up to a single at 300. It was ugly, but I pressed it. I'm hoping to hit around 320 at the Dino meet.


310 pounds for 50 feet or so. This wasn't fast enough. I need to work on my speed on farmers again.


worked up to 2 doubles with the 405 stone

Jesse and I did 5 runs for 90' with 90 pounds on my prowler with maybe 20-30 seconds between runs and that was enough.

I just hope I can figure out the fingers and that power stairs go well at the contest.

Friday, July 15, 2011

7-15 Squat

Weight over bar
Jesse weighed his implement and apparently it only weighed 52, I don't think the 4 pounds will make much of a difference.

I cleared 14 easy and went to 15. I was having a hard time getting my legs into it and was worrying too much about hitting something. I think I have 15+ in me. This was the first time I'd done this so I'm happy with it.

Front Squat
140 x 5 x 2
230 x 3
320 x 1
370 x 1
410 x 1 (35 pound PR)

Tire Flip (500) keg carry (220) medley
2 runs of 50' tire flips and keg carry
1 run 50' tire flip 100' keg carry

I did some sledge swings and called it a night.

Upper 7-14

random warm up things


Single Arm DB Press
85 x 3 x 2
100 x 3 x 2

Ab plank tabata
jump rope tabata

I had to be done with this workout quick so I got what I needed done.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Equipment and Intestinal Fortitude

I read a post by Amy Wattles about how her kids and their friends have a huge advantage in their training lives because they have access to nice equipment. I somewhat agree with this, but I don't really think what equipment you have means a whole lot, and this is definitely not a crack at her or the manufacturer of her equipment. Of course there are some essential things, and some accessories that are very helpful to have especially if you are involved in a specific strength sport like Strongman. What I don't agree with is that you need to spend a lot of money and have "name brand" equipment to be successful. Am I at a disadvantage because I have a bunch of homemade equipment that cost me very little money compared to buying all of it?

The answer is no. I have access to everything I need and nothing I don't, including a group of great training partners, but that's a whole different topic. Plus I know if there is something I actually need, or just want that I can probably make it for about 1/2 of what I would get charged for shipping from some companies.

Is it nice to have a whole gym full of nice shiny equipment and anything you could desire? Yes it is. I've been there and had access to one of the nicest and best equipped facilities in the country. Did it make me a better lifter. Not one bit. Did having coaches watch over and tell me exactly what to do in the gym make me better? Nope. There is only one thing that really matters in the weight room and athletic development in general and that's your internal drive to meet or surpass your potential.

When I played football I didn't realize what I had and I let it slip through my fingers. I didn't give a shit about getting stronger or better really. I just went through the motions and got in and out and did what I had to. I actually thought that just because I was in a nice facility with knowledgeable coaches I would automatically get stronger and more athletic. I had no real drive to get better or take responsibility for my training, I was just waiting for results without working for them. Now I lift in my basement and a garage and I'm stronger and developing better than ever. The difference is that I am motivated and want to get better.

Inner drive is what makes someone the athlete they are, not equipment.

7-12 Deads

I read Andy Bolton's article on deadlift training, so of course I decided pulling from blocks was a super idea. I did want to start pulling from lots of different heights anyway, so this fit.

Random warm up things (sledge swings, jump rope, light snatch, kb snatch, etc.)

8" Block Pull
245 x 5
335 x 5
425 x 3
515 x 2
605 x 1
625 x 1

These were all pretty easy. I haven't ever really pulled from this height and I think I could have gone heavier, but that was good for the night.

335 x 5 5 sets from the floor

Front Squat
I did a little bit of this.

BB rows
Jesse had this stupid idea about doing a pyramid of 1-10 and back down to 1, so 100 reps total. We had 100's on the bar so I decided 245 was a good weight to do this with.

I made it up and down, and I had 911 dialed up and ready to go for Jesse by the time he finished 9 on the way up.

Overall the workout felt good, but I kind of wish I would have done more pulling because they were all pretty easy and I'm not really feeling it too much. I really need to figure out what the hell I need to do to get my deadlift to move. Also, the workout took way, way longer than it should have in my opinion. I got there at about 530 and wasn't on my way home until 8. I have been known to train slow from time to time, and I need to work on my pace, but 2.5 hours for basically 3 lifts is ridiculous, especially deadlifts since they usually move pretty quick.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Events 7/10

Axle C&P
attempted 335, the clean was pretty easy, but I didn't have it in me to press it out today

265 x 50 feet x 2 runs
I figured I would take it lighter on these today.

230 or 270 x 5
360 x 1, I meant to do the 310 but picked this up instead
405 x 1

load stone 5 times and do a 50' sled drag
230 or 270 stone and 400 sled
330 stone and 400 sled 2 times

That was pretty much it for the day. It was probably one of the most humid days I can remember and the heat was kind of overwhelming at this point.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Events 7/3

This didn't go so well because my hand and forearm were so sore I couldn't get set under the bar very well.
I worked up to 280, which I planned to do reps at and my hand hurt too much to press it. I guess I'll be deloading and doing some other stuff to try to get this recovered and fixed.

Power Stairs
9 quick reps with 350

Worked up to one rep with the 405.

Keg Medley
270, 250, 220

Carried each 40', ran back and got the next. I didn't time this. The first run was slow, the second wasn't as slow.
I think I pulled something in my left forearm, which was sore anyway, so I maybe should have considered that before doing these.

Prowler (my prowler)
2 60' sprints with 140 pounds
2 40' runs with 240 pounds

2 prowler, sledge swing medleys - 40' run with 240, run back and do 10 swings per arm with 16 pound sledge, repeat for one medley.

2 prowler suicides with 240 pounds - 50, back 40 back, 20 back
one on the low handles down, one all on high handles

Then Jesse decided he wanted to try this stupid crossfit wod, which was supposed to be 135 clean and press for 30 reps as fast as possible. We did it with 95 to see how bad it was. I finished in 1:12.

So events didn't go so well, but we got a ton of conditioning in.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Upper Body 6/30

315x3 2 sets

Seated OHP

DB Incline
85x5 x 2

My shoulders and forearm started to hurt on the inclines so I called it a night.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Events 6-26

I planned on taking it somewhat easy on most things and ended up staying somewhat light on a few.

110 x 5
160 x 3
200 x 3
225 x 2
270 x 8 - I'm pretty sure that's a rep PR

I only did one pick and a run of about 50' with 300 per hand. My forearms and hands have been hurting so I figured I would let them heal a little and take it easy on farmers.

Power Stairs

20" 400 x 5 singles
I attempted the 22" 400 pound stone twice and the pick wasn't a problem. It just feels so awkward and I couldn't figure out how to sit back with it to lap it.

5 50' runs with around 500 pounds on the sled with very little or no rest between runs

I did a couple accessory things and it was time to go home.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Deads 6/21

This was another short and sweet workout since I couldn't start until about 8.

Power Cleans
worked up to 225x3 3 sets

I pulled all of my deadlifts from a 1" deficit. It's not much, but I felt the difference in my setup. I am also wanting to try a lot of variations to see if I can get this to move.
I worked up to 500x3 for 3 sets.

Mini Bands
315 + light bands x 3
315 + average bands x 3 2 sets

BW+85 3 sets of 10

I wanted to do all of my lifts without straps to get more grip work in, but whatever it is in my right forearm that has been bothering me flared up really bad when I did a set at 315. I figured it was better to strap up and let it rest a little and still pull some weight then to back off the weight because my arm hurt and I couldn't grip it.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Events 6-19


worked up to a good single at 280
tried 310 but couldn't get it locked out

The biggest problem was my clean. It just wasn't going well and the weights felt heavy.

I am going to do reps for the next couple weeks and I know my top end will come back. I need to be around 320-330 to even be competitive right now.


I did one medley type run with 300 per hand. I went about 45', dropped the implements, turned around and picked them up and went back. I need to work on this for Shaw's meet in August.

I did a 35-40 run with 280 and then pulled the sled back with 400 on it.

Power Stairs

one set of 9 with 400 pounds


3 sets of 2 with the 360. I am excited for the new 400 pound stone to be ready so I can start working some low rep sets with it.

Sledge Swings
15 per arm
20 per arm
50 per arm (me and Troy somewhat got into a pissing match and he did this so I had to at least match him)

I have a lot of work to do in the next couple of months to get ready for the next two competitions that I signed up for.

After all that we cooked meat (lots of it) and ate.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Deadlift 6/14

Power Cleans
worked up to some singles. I wasn't going to do it, but Jesse said something so I went ahead and did one at 275.

again worked up to some singles
top sets were 535 and 560
I went for 575 and missed which isn't surprising since I competed Sat and was stupid and trained Sunday too.
Jesse decided to challenge Joe to a rep off, and I jumped in. Ended up with one set of 20 at 405.

Did some rows and went to get some wings at Quaker Steak since it was all you can eat.

Monday, June 13, 2011

2011 The 8th Annual Gus Lohman Memorial

First off, this was by far the best run and organized competition I have been to. Everything moved quickly and efficiently. The venue was great (it was nice being inside and staying out of the sun all day), and the weather turned out to be just about perfect.

250 Log for Reps
I ended up with 7 reps. I needed 6 to win the 265's and figured it wasn't worth wasting energy to get to 13 to win the MW on this event. These all went up easy and felt good.

280 Farmers Walk, 700 Pound Tire Flip Medley
around 60' each way.
I believe I finished in 49.xx seconds. I know it was right around 50. The farmers handles were awkward for me to move with so that definitely slowed me down. The time was good enough for 1st in the 265's and 1st in MW.

Car Deadlift
Here was another event where I had a huge advantage being the last to go in my weight group and division. I had to get 15 for the win in the 265's and 17 for the win in MW. I got to 17 and set it down. I had more in me, but again there was no need to waste energy. 1st in the 265's and MW.

Truck Pull
50' course
I'm not sure how much it weighed, but it was a garbage truck and I'm pretty sure ET said it weighed something over 30,000 pounds. I finished just under 40 seconds. It was good enough for first in the 265's and MW again.

Stone Series
up to 360
There was something very very odd with these stones. I loaded the first 3 in 18 second which got me 1st in the 265's and MW, but there is no reason that I shouldn't have finished a series like this. The 270 stone felt like it weighed closer to 350, and was definitely harder to load than the 310 stone. I got to the second to last stone which I think was 330 and it was covered in dirt and so I lost anything my tacky was giving me and my forearm sleeve slipped down. I just couldn't grip it and stopped knowing I had the win.

I couldn't have asked for a better performance, and was very lucky to have the advantage of going last on events. I ended up winning all 5 events in the 265 pound class and 4 of 5 in the middle weight division.

Thanks again to ET, Conan, and everyone else that helped out. The raffle and prize packages were awesome and I came home with a ton of great stuff.

It was also nice to meet more people in the strongman community and see some familiar faces.

The link below is my video of the competition.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Deads 5/24

Power Clean
worked up to one set of 10 at 225.

warm up

added short bands
315+light bands x 3
315+ average bands x 3, 2 sets

Pendlay Rows
225 x 10
275 x 8
295 x 8

weighted hyper
75 x 6, 4 sets

225 x 20
315 x 10, 3 sets

Monday, May 23, 2011

Midwest Strongman Muscatine, IA May 21

Log Press for reps (250 pound log)

Tie for first.

I ended up with 10 reps. I was happy with 10, but definitely had a few more in the tank. I couldn't keep a good rhythm going because we were standing on a little downhill slope and I kept losing my balance at the top.

Tire flip (750 pound tire, 80 feet)

I'm pretty sure I got first.

This tire was short and fat and pretty easy to flip. I didn't feel like I was going that fast, but I was consistent and never slowed down.

Sand Bag Medley (100 pound sand bags, 80 feet, 4 times)


This was not my favorite even by a long ways and I'm pretty sure that the timer was a little quick on the trigger with at least one person. Either way, this was a pretty easy event and I got enough points to stay in the lead.

Truck Pull


Talk about a joke. Not one person moved this truck an inch. I'm not good at truck pulling by a long shot, but there were people there that had done this kind of stuff and couldn't get the thing moving. It was a full size semi and trailer and a good majority of the truck was parked on a downhill grade so that didn't help anything. They basically just made a judgement call on who moved the truck the most, or rocked it I should say, and gave me second.

Stone Series (255, 270, 315, 320, 340)


Once again I get to stones and get excited and try to go too fast and miss my first pick. I actually missed the first pick twice because I had my hands too far forward. Then on the third stone for some reason I got stuck at the top and took a second to get it on the barrel. I finished in just over 25 seconds. Not a bad time, but I was and still am disappointed with the time. I should have been able to finish in under 20 seconds. I also left some room for people to possibly jump me in placing. It worked out in the end though.

I finished the day with 41 out of 45 points. That was good enough for first place in the heavyweights. They didn't bring the 1000 pound tire for the extra event, and so instead they used some sort of formula to figure out the overall winner or whatever they called it. I ended up getting that too. There was some good competition here and I'm very pleased with how it turned out.

Melissa ended up winning the women's and qualifying for nationals, so everyone was in a good mood on the way home.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Strongman 5/15

I really just wanted to run through the events for the competition on Sunday but couldn't do tire flip or truck pull.

250x10, these have been easier, but I could have got a couple more reps if I needed them

Sand bag medley

150 lb bag 80 ft, repeat 3 more times

Car Deadlift
worked up to 750x7

I'm going to have to train these anyway, and I love how much they work my hamstring and glutes.

210-330 series, 5 stones
2 runs
21.xx seconds and 20.5 seconds

This should be even quicker at the comp since it's only to oil drums

Arm over arm sled drag
whatever length the rope is, maybe 40-45 feet, 400 lbs, 2 runs

It dried out a little and I did some really light tire flips.

Squats 5/13

Went to Jesse's.

Power Clean
I just worked up to an easy set of 10 at 215

worked up to a single at 530, my raw PR was either 525 or 535, so close at least.

couple light runs with the yoke

some other stuff I don't remember

Sled drags with like 500 lbs.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Deads and Garage Door 5/10/11

Power Cleans
did a couple light sets and then one set at 215 for 10.

Jesse wanted to do some reverse bands, so I figured I'd switch things up a little and do them too.

worked up to 650x1 with whatever the green bands are.

Pendlay Rows

This was a short and sweet workout since we were planning on putting in Jesse's new garage door after. The door project went surprisingly smooth considering it was Jesse, Corey and me doing it and none of us really knows a whole lot about building stuff. Also, in hindsight we should have maybe read the directions for the door before hand instead of just looking at the pictures as we went and thinking we knew exactly what we were doing and arguing until we got it figured out.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Shitty Week

Worked up to 485x5 after some cleans and called it a day.

Did a set of 10 with 250 on the log and did some other random shit that didn't really amount to much at all

Haven't done it yet, but I'm sure it won't be worth posting.

My allergies have completely killed my energy levels so this week has sucked.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Cleans and Bench

Power Cleans
225x3 3 sets

Hang Cleans
225x3 3 sets

Everything else I did was supersets.

Lots of Rows
Pull Ups
Blast Strap rows and face pulls

jump rope tabata
rows for reps timed

Not a bad day, but I was in a hurry since I couldn't lift until late and wanted to get done.

worked up to 315x5
I've brought my grip in to basically thumbs width from the edge of the knurling, so pretty narrow. I've done this to get more tricep and carryover for pressing.

Seated OHP without back support, done with axel

Pull Ups

Pushed my prowler for a little bit.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Strongman 4/24


I wanted to try to do some reps with 270 to see how it felt.
270 x 6 I easily had 2-3 more reps in me. I was lifting in my regular shoes and if I would have been in olympic shoes I think my balance would have been better and I would have got a couple more.
Those were easy so I went to 300 and did 2.
I tried 320 and missed the first clean and then got it up but didn't have it in me to press it.

300 for probably about 50'. The pick and carry felt fine. I took a bad step and my hip felt like it was gonna pop out so I dropped it.

Truck Pull (my truck)
1 run of 80'
pretty easy, I just need to work on the start

360x8 singles

I'm really happy with my log pressing and how it's progressing. Overall everything else went pretty good too. It was fun because my dad got to come hang out and train a little and I know he enjoys it a lot.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Deads 4/19

worked up to singles
580x1 (hitched this, but more than likely could have pulled it out if I stuck with it)


Reverse Hyper

feet in blast strap pike things x 3 sets
landmines 3 sets

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Deads 3/29 and Bench 3/30

Power Clean
225 x 3 or so
275 x fail
Did some other lighter sets before the 225

405 x 5
505 x 5
525 x 1
455 x 8
455 x 10
455 x 8
455 x 3
This was just dumb and I probably could have got a couple more reps on the last set but had enough. Chuck unded up with 35 reps total I think. It was a good pissing match though.

Med Ball sit ups
a couple sets doing 10 to 15 reps or so, I didn't count.

Foam roll, band stretches, static stretching, a little yoga, pretty much anything I could think of to get some of the tightness and deep soreness out of my back.

Blast strap push ups and pull ups
I did 4 sets of each, 10 push ups and 3 to 5 pull ups per set.

Warm Up even more
235 x 5
275 x 5
305 x 5 (this was my prescribed reps and weight and was probably just about right so I stopped at 5)
I've been benching narrower trying to get more tricep work out of it so it will help me more on pressing.

Dynamic Bench
I attempted one set with 185 on the bar and the orange efs short bands. At the top the bands were probably stretched somewhere between 30 and 40 inches. This was probably a touch too much weight since the bands were around 120 pounds at the top. I did 3 reps fast and got wobbly on the 4th and got stuck. Thank god my safety bars are set just barely below my rib height so I could just get out.

Overhead (light)
I did these seated with no back support. I don't have enough room to do anything standing really so this is as good as it gets at home.
135 x 10
155 x 8
175 x 6

Nothing heavy at all, but this was just about right as far as weight. I think I'm going to start using event days as my overhead day for 5/3/1 because I want to start doing a lot of volume with the log for the next month or so.

4 sets of 5 bodyweight

Blast Strap tricep extension
3 sets of 10

Blast Strap biceps
3 sets of 10

hammer curls
3 sets of 6 to 8 somewhat heavy

EZ bar curls
3 sets of 8 to 10 with 75 and fat grips.
These killed my forearms after doing the other bicep stuff.

This was also probably the first time in at least 6 months I've done any direct bicep work. I'm happy with how the day went after the day of pulling I had before.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Quad Cities Strongman 3/26

I ended up having a good day overall. I took 2nd in the 265's and if I would have stayed in the HW's I would have taken first there. I got beat by Jacob Bodi who from what I figured out with Google appears to be a pretty accomplished strongman, taking 4th in the Amateur Arnold a couple weeks ago.

Event Breakdown

Press Medley (225 bar, 240 8" log, 260 axle, 280 12" log)

I flew threw the first three in 17.26 seconds, and from the video if I would have dropped the weight like most of the other competitors instead of setting it down nice I probably would have been close to 15 seconds. The 12" log was freshly painted and slick. I cleaned it and was pretty close to lockout once and missed the second time. I beat Joe by 7 hundreths of a second and took 2nd.

Farmers (280 per hand)

9.16 seconds for an 80' straight run. 1st place. Fastest time overall.

I'm not sure where exactly the speed came from on these, but I hope it never goes away. Next closest time was 9.6 something.

Carry Drag medley (230 duck walk, 450 prowler drag)

15.88 second, 1st place. This was 50' both ways. I'm pretty sure I had the fastest time overall on this too.

Again, I'm not sure where my speed came from, especially on the duck walk. The carry felt good and I think watching other people do this before me helped.

Truck pull (small moving truck)

I need some work here. I finished in like 33 seconds on an 80' course. From the pictures I see that I was nearly standing up straight and my feet are way too wide. I am going to work this hard for about the next year I think.

I took 4th out of 5 on this and this one event put me out of contention for first place.

Stones (270 stone over 42" bar for reps, 60 seconds)

I got 13 reps. I was pleased with 13, but also very disappointed because I was over excited and tried moving too quick. I set my hands bad on at least 2 reps and had to start them over. I feel like I should have got 15+ reps. I got second place here. Jacob Bodi got 16 reps.

Big kudos to Joe on this event. I think the most he got in training was 6 and he ended up with 11 reps.

I know it's nothing to hang my head about, but at the same time I'm disappointed with the outcome. I also know I'm not going to win all the time, but I feel like a couple of stupid mistakes aside I had a good chance of taking first. If I would have stuck with the original plan and competed at 266+ I would have taken first there, but I also would not have tested myself against established competitors like I did at 265.

Great job to everyone else who went. Corey probably made a few guys in his weight class cry. Ian had a great day for his first meet. Joe pushed me and was barely outside of the top 3.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Events 2/20

I deloaded last week, so nothing exciting there.

Press Medley (225 bar, 240 log, 260 axle, 280 log)

Got through the first 3 in like 26 second with having to press the bar twice because I forgot to wait for the down command. I cleaned the 280 log and for some reason wasn't using legs at all. Hopefully I'll be fine just getting the first 3 in a good time.

Farmers Walk (280 per hand)

1 run in 12.xx seconds. I'm happy with that time, especially because I felt like I could have gone faster.

Duck Walk Sled Drag Medley (230/ 450)

51 seconds. This was slow as hell and the sled felt really heavy.

Truck Pull (my truck)

Meh, hopefully this will go better at the comp. I need to figure out how to just stay low and keep my feet moving.

Stones (270 stone)

I got 6 reps in about 30 seconds, maybe less, then I started slowing down and only finished 9 reps. I think I'll be able to push myself more and hopefully get over 10 reps.

Did a little sledge swinging and called it a day.

For as little effort as I put into this day it didn't go too bad. I was tired and didn't want to strain too much since I'm competing in less than a week. I'm only going to be competing against one other person, but I'm definitely going to push myself no matter what.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Deads, Pressing, and my first highland events experience

I don't want to disclose how terrible my pulling was. My upper back is tore up from something and I couldn't get it locked in so I didn't have a lot of luck getting much weight off the ground.

Pressing wasn't anything to brag about either. I got adjusted, but my back is still beat up so I planned on just pressing light and not doing a whole lot else. I ended up just doing strict press with the log.


After the log Jesse, Mac, and Chuck wanted to go throw for highland games so I tagged along. Apparently I'm pretty decent with the open stone or 16lb shot, whatever it's called. I think my best throw was a little over 45'. The HWFD was awful. I threw it maybe 20 or 25'. The LWFD was a little better than the HWFD. I think I threw this close to 40' or so. Light hammer is gonna take some work, my best throw was like 82' or something like that.

Before today I was kind of against doing any highland games, but I think I might get into it a little bit. I thought that it would be just one more thing to try to get good at when I should be concentrating on strongman. I don't think it will get in the way of anything else and it will be a nice break from heavy training and strongman work.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bench 3/7

I am going to start benching on Mondays. I decided to do this for a couple reasons. First, I want to start working on my pressing more and so that is what I am going to do on the Thursdays I can make it to The Jungle. Second, I can bench at home, I can't do any standing overhead work at home so this fits with reason 1. Last, I am going to use my bench as more of an assistance movement for tricep, chest, and upper back strength. That will make it easy to have a somewhat light bench day the day after events, otherwise doing overhead on Thursday made it hard to fit a bench day in.


short warmup

345x1, went for two and missed

BW Dips

6 sets of 5

Fall Outs and Blast Strap push ups
3 sets of 5 to 10 each

This was a quick and light day, especially with the assistance work. My bench felt awful, but I'm sure that's from events the day before.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Events 3/6

I kind of felt shitty going in, but got over it and turned out having a good day.

Press Medley

Warmed up with some axle. Worked up to 245x2 or 3 and then got into the medley.
Medley is 225 bar, 240 8" log (we use the 12), 260 axle, and 280 12" log.

I went through the first three fine, and the clean on the 280 log kept slipping. I would like to press the last log, but am more concentrating on my time through the first three. My second run I got through the first three in just over 20 seconds.

The weight is 280 at the competition for 80'. I planned on doing one run at that weight and letting my grip recover otherwise. I did one run with 210 per hand to warm up a little and wanted to just go 280, everyone else did a run with 260 and a Ian decided he wanted to try 300 so I got sucked into doing 300 instead of 280. I wasn't real excited about it, but ended up taking it around 110' and stopped because I was in the middle of the street at that point. The way it felt I could have gone farther easily.

Duck walk Sled drag medley for 50'
I did this in 40 seconds last week.

Duck walk was 250, it will be 230 at the comp. Sled is 450.

I made one run in 28 seconds. It was fast, but I think somewhat of a fluke because for whatever reason the sled absolutely flew so I must have been going downhill or something.

Stone load for reps, 270 stone in 60 seconds.

Last week I got 8 reps.

I ended up with 10 reps in like 59.5 seconds. I'm happy with this and hopefully 10 will be good enough to be in the top 3. I am pretty confident in my stone loading ability at this point so I'm not too concerned about this event, it's going to be more of a conditioning test for me.

This event will be after a truck pull at the competition too.

Overall a very good day as I got a PR on everything. The farmers was a huge PR for me mentally. Now if I can press the 280 log in the medley I will feel really good about my chances to do well in a couple weeks.

Squat 3/4

I basically had an hour to squat so I went through this quick.


warm up
435x4 belt and elite knee sleeves

315x5 3 sets

Maybe one other assistance move, I don't remember. I did some pull aparts and some shoulder traction and a few chins in the middle of sets too.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Deadlift 3/1

Power Cleans

3 sets of 225x3


515x4 (was hoping for more, but I'm happy with this since I've been pulling like shit at home lately)
405x5 4 sets


225x5 3 sets


3x15 BW

I did some pullups and some light band pull aparts and stuff in between sets.

I'm starting to realize that my grip is not where it needs to be so I have decided that I am going to use straps as little as possible. I tried to minimize them before, but still used them too much. The only set that I strapped up for was my set at 515 on deads, and that was just because I want to get reps out of this set more than grip work. I did all my accessory work and warmup with no straps and am going to keep it that way so I can hopefully bring my grip up quick.

Events 2/27

Press Medley (225 bar, 240 log, 260 axle, 280 log)

Did this twice. Got through the first three in about 35 second the first time and cleaned the 280 but didn't press it. The second run I got through the first three in under 30 seconds but was dead by the time I got to the 280 log. I doubt very many people will press the 280 log at the comp so I need to work on speed through the first 3 and then just take my time and hopefully press the 280.

Farmers (80' runs)

Did one run with 210.

Loaded 280 since it's the comp weight and did one run. Went for a second and ended up about 5 feet short and called it. This was a mental victory for me to get this done since I had trouble with it the last time I tried. I was also moving pretty slow since it was wet and I wasn't sure about my footing. Hopefully I'll be able to move faster and this event won't even be an issue.

Duck walk sled drag medley (50', 230 duck walk, 450 sled)

Did one sled drag and then did this twice.

The second one I timed at 40 seconds. I don't feel bad about that, just need to move a little quicker on the duck walk.

270 stone for reps

I ended up doing 8 reps in 60 seconds and then did two more after time was up. I'm hoping to be able to get 10 or more at the comp.

I did some med ball slams and some other stuff after and went home after a pretty solid day overall.

Friday, February 25, 2011

2/22 Deadlift

I did some power cleans to start out, something like 3 sets at 245.

Deads I worked up to 475 for 11, then did a single at 550 for fun.

I tried to do some farmers after and they didn't go well.

I did some ab stuff and then some hangs. My grip is shot from the strongman comp and my body still feels like shit so it wasn't a great day.

2/19 KC Strongman Challenge

I won the heavyweight class.

I ended up with a 280 log press for a PR. I tied for second in this event.

I got 3rd in the keg carry medley, but I'm pretty sure I should have gotten second. Regardless, I know that I need to get conditioning in line.

I don't want to talk about the Husafelt stone.

I ended up loaded a 368 stone and just missed the 380 and got second in the stone load.

Overall, it was a very fun day and great way to start competing in strongman.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Last week or so.

I deloaded the week of 1/31. I did almost all of my lifts except squat with my new axle. I wanted to work my grip a little with deads and just wanted to feel it benching.

Friday night I went to Alliance. Saturday I built a prowler and drove back to Omaha.

Sunday 2/6 Strongman at The Jungle.

Axle Clean and Press
Warmup and worked up to 230.

230 was easy so I went to 250.

250 was easy so I went to 270 which was probably the cleanest and fastest axle press I have ever done.

Went to 300 for an all time overhead PR on any lift. It was slow and ugly, but I lost my grip on the pull so I think if I would have over undered it to begin with it would have looked a lot better.

Circus DB

127 easy
went to 147 and missed and didn't push it as my shoulders aren't feeling the greatest.

Worked up to 330 to tie my last best. It was easy.
360 went up well too
The 400 stone is a whole different animal since it is a different size. I got it off the ground but couldn't lap it.

2/16 Deadlift

Felt. Like. Shit
I'm not even going to say what I did because I'm embarrassed.

2/17 Overhead at Jobes
Worked up to 250 on the log. I need to figure out the damn clean on this because the press is easy.

Did some stones. Loaded the 360 3 times and some others before.

Nothing else exciting.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Week of 1/24

This was my 1 week.

Deadlift on Tuesday (felt good going in but I needed a day or so more after loading stones on Sunday)

525x2 (This was my weight but I wanted to go a lot heavier)

Barbell Rows
275x5 3 or 4 sets

some other stuff I don't remember

Bench and OHP


OHP with log
250x2 0r 3
tried 270 about 5 times, would have got it if I hadn't benched.

blast strap rows and some other things


450x4 pretty sure that's a rep PR
500x1 this was slow as hell but I wanted to do it, probably should have decided that before I did reps at 450.

Hyper, some rehab stuff and called it a week.

Friday, January 21, 2011

1/20 Bench and 1/21 Squat



Pyramid Pull Ups and Push Ups
1 and 2 up to 5 and 10 and back down

Medicine ball throws
5 sets with burpees

420x5 No spot, so I would say I'm good for a couple more reps if I knew I had someone there to save me should they be needed.

Leg Press (777)
3 sets sled plus 200

Reverse Hyper

Doesn't seem like a whole lot for two workouts but they were both pretty solid. I also squatted during my lunch hour so I was pressed for time.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

1/19 Deadlift

500x7 I'm pretty happy about this.

Deadlift from 2" Deficit
315x5 4 sets

Straight Leg Deadlift
85lb dumbbellsx10 2 sets

2 sets of 10

I planned on doing a little bit more than this, but my lower back was still tight and a little sore from squatting and so I cut it a little short to let it recover more for Sunday.

Monday, January 17, 2011

1/13 Bench, 1/15 Squat

1/13 Bench at Jobe's


Strict Press
125ishx5 2 sets

Log Press

Sledge Swings
4 sets of 10 each arm

Blast Strap Pushups
Started with 8 chains down to body weight. Didn't do very many reps.

Some curls.

1/15 Squat


Front Squat

Leg Press
777 (7 full reps, 7 top half, 7 bottom half is one set)
200 plus whatever the sled weighs
3 sets

Straight Leg Dead
85lb dumbbells x 4 sets

Reverse Hyper
3 sets of 10


5x3 BW

KB Swings with dumbbells
complex with 20, 35, 50, 75, 85, and 100 pounds
up and back down so 120 total swings
finished in 7:45.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Deload, a small rant, and some shoulders.

Last week I deloaded, so not much to say there. I probably took it a little bit too easy. I need to figure out why my motivation is lacking so much the last couple of months.

I also pissed myself off by being an idiot and drinking Saturday night and being hung over and not going to Jobe's Sunday.

Three things I need to change:
1. I need to make sure I am working to my potential. No more not feeling like it or thinking of other things I could do.
2. I need to start going above and beyond what is prescribed in 5/3/1 since that is what I'm using right now. The last couple months I have hit some decent numbers on the prescribed sets and reps, but I haven't done hardly anything for accessory work and haven't pushed myself enough on my last sets. I am mostly thinking I need to get more of the accessory work in.
3. I need to clean up my eating and start doing conditioning work. I don't think I eat bad. I think I eat too much at once for the most part. Sure my diet could use to be cleaned up, but I think I would be a lot better off just with smaller portions and spreading it out. As far as conditioning I am building myself a Prowler. I need to get a hold of a sledge and a tire. I need to start doing complexes more regularly. Most important of all though, I need to just shut the fuck up about what exercises I'm going to do and make sure I am just doing some sort of conditioning at least 3 days a week.

I also decided to start adding in power and hang cleans to my workouts.
1/6 Power Cleans
Worked up to 275, maybe did 2 reps
Hang Cleans
Dropped to 225x3
305x0, I would have been impressed with myself if I had hit this. I actually think I would have got it, but was a little fatigued from all the sets before.


Hang Cleans
worked up to 225x5 for 3 sets, varied my grip from narrow to very wide for the sets.

Strict Press
I had to clean these from the floor.
115x10 2 sets
115x5 was supposed to be 10
95x10 2 sets

I am not happy about how shitty my pressing strength is. This is one lift I need to hit very hard and try to get it up quick.

DB Rows
85x5 3 sets with Fat Gripz
85x10 3 sets without Fat Gripz

I did a few other things quick and called it a night.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The last couple of weeks.

Basically the highlights of the last 5/3/1 cycle I did were a 350 bench, 565 deadlift, and 445 squat which was super easy. I did all of these with no spot or lift off since I have been lifting by myself. I think I am good for at least another 20 pounds on deadlift and am sure I could squat over 500 raw.

January 2 was a strongman day, the first and only one this cycle as I was on vacation the other weeks.

Axle Clean and Press
worked up to 250 x1, then did a set of 250x4.

Axle Deadlift, DBL overhand
worked up to 330x1, this was the first time I had tried these. I really need to get myself an axle and maybe use these as an accessory lift some other day to work my grip since it limits the weight quite a bit. I have a feeling it would help my axle clean and press quite a bit too just getting it in my hands more.

Keg Clean and Press

This was another event I had never done. I liked it quite a bit but will definitely wear a shirt and get some forearm sleeves before I do it again.

Sledge Swings
20 each arm, 3 sets, maybe 4 but I'm pretty sure it was 3

Overall it was a pretty good day. I really wish I could make it more often for strongman days so I could get the feel for a lot of these things more.