Monday, December 13, 2010

Here's a recap of my last couple weeks.

A couple weeks ago the only thing that really happened is I pulled 475 for 10. I felt pretty good about that because I have been squatting right before I pull and I squatted I think 435 for a couple.

That was Thanksgiving week.

Then I deloaded.

Last week I squatted 395 for 5.

Pulled 425 for 5, I'm going to blame this shitty day on a cold I've had for about a week.

I benched and did my sets up to 295 for 5 then decided to do some singles. I loaded up 335 and smoked it. Then had my wife spot me at 365 and completely fucked my rhythm up since I have been lifting without a lift off or spot and bombed. I went down to 350 and got it pretty easily with no lift off or spot. That should help my ego for a couple weeks at least. Now if I could squat over 500 raw with just a belt I would fell pretty decent.

Sunday I did strongman stuff at Jobe's Steel Jungle.

Started off with incline log. Worked up to 280, which I got 9 reps. I feel pretty good about that. The most I had even picked up before was 250, and did that for 12 I think.

Then we did some 18" DL. I worked up to a pretty solid single at 630.

Next was farmers holds, again something I had never done. I did 240 per hand and held it for something like 1 minute and 3 second. My hands feel arthritic today and I can give these credit for that.

I did a set of keg loads next. 200-290 series to 52". I did this in 22.?? seconds. Not too bad I don't think.

I did a couple singles of log press next and between my body just being completely drained and my grip being completely gone these didn't go so well.

I think I did a single at 200 and went to 240 and figured out I need to stay lighter and work on my clean.

Did some battling ropes and couple sets of fallouts and went home.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Here we go again.

I obviously fell off the wagon after about a week of posting here. I think I'll actually try to keep up with it this time. I didn't write down what I did last week so I'll give a quick run down of what I remember.

I also started with 5/3/1 a couple weeks ago.

Squat/ Dead

Warm Up
345 x 5
390 x 3
435 x 2

Used a loose belt for my work sets. I am not completely following the 5/3/1 model for squats. I am just doing the required reps and maybe a few more for the last set if they feel good so I can save a little for deads.

Kind of warmed up, didn't really need it since I just got done squatting.
375 x 5
425 x 3
475 x 10 Not a ton of weight but I feel pretty good about pulling this for 10 right now. I really need to work on grip and actually get some conditioning work in.

Loose belt for work sets.

I called it good after this since I was lifting with my dad and it was already close to 8 and we were going to go eat supper somewhere.

Strongman day

Log press
120 x 10
something else
230 x 4 or 5
250 x 0
250x 1

I really need to work on my clean on this, I don't think they weight is that much of an issue for pressing if I can get the clean down and work on form a little more.

Incline log
warmed up a little
230 x 3
250 x 12

I am really bad at barbell incline but for some reason feel pretty good with the log.

18" Dead
worked up to 585 x 1 pretty easily and with a pretty loose belt.
Tried 635, but shot my ass. I need some work on these.

Keg Loads
200, 220, 250, 270, and 290 pounds
Did 2 runs.
First run - around 26 seconds
Second run - right at 20 seconds

I get my stent out Friday which I am really looking forward to. I don't know how much the whole bladder cancer thing slowed me down, I think it more so just interrupted my training and so some of my numbers are a little down. I'm also having a really hard time benching by myself because I don't like not having someone to spot me on these. I would also really like to be able to do more band work on the bench for my triceps but that's a little hard when you're by yourself.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tuesday 5/25 Squat

-Bar x 10
-135 x 10
-135 x 3 loose belt and mini band
-225 x 3 "
-315 x 3 "
-405 x 3 "
-495 x 2 belt and wraps
-520 x 1 "

Reverse Band Squat
- 585 x 2 belt and wraps with black band
-625 x 1 belt and wraps with black band

385 x 10 belt and mini band

Squat From Bottom
-225 x 3
- 275 x 3 x 2

Band Goodmorning
Abduction/ Adduction

Sunday 5/23 Bench

-Bar x 10
-135 x 10
-135 x 5
-225 x 3
-315 x 3
-350 x 2

Bench is definitely my weakest lift at this point, but it's moving fairly steadily.

Reverse Band Bench to 3 board
-425 x 3 shirt
-515 x 2 shirt
-605 x 1 shirt

DB Bench
-100 x 15 x 2
-100 x 12

Saturday 5/22 Deadlift

-135 x 3 x 2
-225 x 3
-315 x 3
-405 x 1
-495 x 1
-545 x miss belt
-515 x 1 belt

Started feeling really sluggish after 405 which pretty much took me out of it mentally for the remainder.

Reverse Band Deadlift
-515 x 1 x 2 black band
-605 x 2 black band
-655 x 2 belt, black and grey bands
-695 x 1 belt, black and grey bands

Glute Bridge
-225 x 5
-315 x 5
-365 x 5 x 2

Donkey Kicks with band

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tuesday May 18, 2010 Squat

This is week 4 since John and I started training in my basement. We missed a week of squatting so this is squat workout 3.

Here is the workout:


Bar x 10 x 2
- 135 x 5 x 2
- 225 x 5 with mini band in belt
- 315 x 3 with mini band in belt
- 405 x 2 loose belt
- 475 x 1 belt and wraps
- 495 x 1 belt and wraps

Should have done at least one more at 495, it felt solid and had really good speed. My CNS is really starting to get used to heavier loads and I have gone from 425x1 the first week to this in just 3 training sessions. I have a feeling these will move pretty quickly for awhile.

Squat from high pin

These were probably the top 1/4 to 1/5 of the movement.

- 585 x 3 belt
- 675 (635) x 3 belt and wraps
- 725 (675) x 3 x 2 belt and wraps (I think this is the right weight. They might be high.)

We followed those up with a set of 10 full ROM squats. I did 365 x 10 with a loose belt and mini band. These have moved really well going from 315 to 350 to 365 in three weeks. Using the mini band also helps to get me to sit back and has helped my form tremendously.

Squat from pin at bottom of ROM (I mean all the way at the bottom, I was beyond ass to grass to get set.)

- 225 x 3 x 3

I have a feeling these are going to really going to help with speed out of the bottom.

Decline sit ups

-BW x 10 x 2

Sissy Squats

- BW x 6 x 3

Good Mornings

-135 x 10
-185 x 5
-205 x 5

I should have done abduction/ adduction with bands but forgot about it.

I felt like shit before we started. I was tired and in a bad mood and didn't feel like doing anything but sitting in front of the TV. It turned out to be a really good workout and I'm starting to feel like things are starting to come together after not handling any kind of weight for close to a year.