Friday, March 30, 2012

3/29 Upper

Jump Rope Tabata type thing
50 jumps, 10 seconds rest - 4 rounds
100 jumps, 20 seconds rest - 2 rounds

Foam roll/ stretch

315 x 5
335 x 3
365 x 2

I need to get back on some sort of program on these, although I'm pretty happy with getting 365 for 2.

225 x 1
235 x 1
245 x 1
255 x fail
225 x 1
225 x 1

I just wanted to do 5 heavy singles. These were all done seated, and the 245 was a very easy PR of 10 pounds.

Blast Strap Push ups
3 sets of 10
I need to have someone around to train with so we can do these with chains. They are easily my favorite exercise for pecs and they hit triceps pretty well too.

I decided to just do one more rep per week when I started this and see how far I could get.

This week was 7. They weren't all that bad.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Battle in the Barn

Jesse and I went to ET's House of Iron and Stone to compete in a USAWA competition yesterday. The events were Appollon's Axle (max axle), Goerner Stroll (like a farmers walk but carrying two barbells), Crucifix, and 18" max deadlift.

Appollon's Axle
300 good
325 good
355 good and a PR

The weight that made this a famous old time strongman event was 365, and I am not far from getting that. I also think this is supposed to have a little bit higher pick than a normal axle like we were using so that would help too.

Goerner Stroll

This is a 16.5' course.

I had only tried this once, and it was with two bars that weren't the same, so I wasn't sure how this would go.

410 (205 per hand) good
520 (260 per hand) I touched one bar about 2 feet short on the first run, so I had to do this again within the minute limit, but I got it.
570 (285 per hand) This would have been the most ever done on this event. I picked it up easy, and ended up having one bar tilt forward right at the end of the walk so I missed it. I think I could get 600 on this event if I work on it a little.


60 good
80 good
90 fail

This event is very humbling. It is also not suited for people with long arms at all.

18" Deadlift

I hadn't done anything heavy on these without straps, so I wasn't sure how it would go.

605 good, very easy
655 good
705 good and a PR
I tried 725 just for the hell of it and was out of gas.

I really enjoy doing the USAWA competitions. There are a lot of people who have been in the sport for a lot of years that come to these and it's always a pleasure to get to meet them and see them compete.

I ended up winning the heavyweights by quite a bit I think, and overall too. Jesse was close on the overall, but had I got the 570 Goerner I don't think he could have been able to catch me.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

3/20 Squat and Dead

225 x 3
315 x 3
365 x 3
405 x 1
455 x 2

I want to try to Coan Phillip deadlift routine on my squats. I'm not sure if it'll work out, but I like low reps.

I decided to deadlift as assistance instead of more squatting.

315 x 3
435 x 7
435 x 3

I wanted to do one set of 10, but my entire back was still pretty beat up from heavy farmers on Sunday so I fatigued out and had to split it up.

BW x 15

Leg Curl
couple low rep sets

I did't do any ab work or anything else Tuesday, but on Wednesday I did some cardio and abs after yoga.

Monday, March 19, 2012

3/18 Events

Today we did the events for the USAWA Eastern Postal Meet.

Feet in the air bench.

315 - good
345 - good
365 - good, PR

I've obviously forgotten how to use leg drive when my feet in the air bench is within 10% of my regular bench.

Front Squat

370 - good
420 - good, PR
460 - fail

I should have taken a slightly smaller jump. 420 went up pretty easy though.

Continental to Belt
If there is one lift that I will probably never, ever train and only do in competitions when I have to it is this one. I hate it.

370 - good
410 - good
430 - fail
I tried 430 again just to see if I could get it and got it without too much trouble.

Overall I feel pretty good about the lifts. If I would have taken a little bit smaller jump on the front squats and got it and got the first attempt at 430 CtB I would have won the BCC this month. I suppose that I can't fell too bad about it when I outweigh everyone by around 70 pounds and I have been very close to winning, even with coefficients, the last couple times.

Farmers walk with heavy handles
245 x 60 feet
295 x 60 feet
345 x 20 or 25 feet. I should have walked the other way down the driveway to see how far I could have gone, but I ran out of room. I'm also going to call this closer to 350 a hand, because I think the handles are actually 247 or so a piece.
This was probably the highlight of the day for me. 6 months ago I would not have been able to pick these up, the pick wasn't fast by any means, but I think I even had a little more left in me.

5 sets of 60' down and back, low handles down, high back.

Ab strap
4 sets of 15

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pulling 3/13

95 x a bunch
up to 135 by a couple per set

Deadlift (Coan Phillipi week 2)
worked up to 495x1 using Ciavatonne grip (double overhand, no hook)
505 x 2
405 x 3 x 8 sets

These suck, but my body already feels better than it did last week the day after, so maybe it'll help condition my lower back.

Accessory Circuit
Straight Leg Deadlift - 275
Bent over rows - 275
Underhand lat pulldown - whatever 2 plates and 2 25's means on Jesse's lat pulldown
Goodmorning - 235

3 sets of 8 reps per exercise performed as a circuit with probably too much rest between sets (I would say 1-2 minutes. This really shows that I have been lacking in the intensity department and probably volume too on my accessory work when I am breathing heavy and ready to be done after one round.

I really like this routine. I have never got much out of pulling heavy reps. Pulling heavy singles or doubles is always what has gotten me a little progress, so this hopefully will pay off.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Events (Kind of) 3/11

95 x some
135 x some
155 x some
185 x 1

I need to start doing these a lot more, even if I just do really light weight for lots of reps.

Axle C&P
worked up to an easy single at 300
tried 350 and just couldn't get it

used 200 pound oxygen tanks
4 or 5 60 foot runs

I wanted to do a lot more of these, but my achilles on my bad ankle started to get really tight so I didn't.

40 - pretty easy
60 - felt terrible, but I think I could get them with a little work

Zercher - starting from the ground
Jesse wanted to do these, and it was a dumb idea
I worked up to 1 at 385, which wasn't too hard, but I don't think I'd want to do a whole lot more unless it was in a competition.

That was pretty much it. I should have done a lot more, but it was raining and everyone was kind of having a shitty day so that's all that happened.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

3/6 Deads

I did some light rows and snatches to get some blood moving.

Ciavatonne grip axle deads
280 x 3
300 x 3
320 x 1 x 2

Coan Phillipi DL week 1
475 x 2

385 x 3 x 8 sets

I'm not sure why exactly I didn't do the right assistance lifts, but I decided not to.

Front Squat
I just wanted to try these with knee wraps. Doing them after pulling is dumb.
up to 365 x 1 pretty easy.

Good Morning
225 x 5 x 2 sets

18" Deadlift
605 x 1
655 x 1
705 x 1
725 x miss

I was spent after that and so I just called it a night and went and ate a whole bunch of wings.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Events 3/4

I haven't been very good about keeping this up to date, but nothing really important has happened.

Axle C&P
worked up to 300x3
I wanted to do 5+, but I think the benching and other stuff I decided to do on Friday was affecting my pressing strength.

Jesse also bet me that I can't do 325 for 5, so it looks like I've got to start doing some heavier rep sets.

As far as I'm concerned, I got the 50's. I think it would pass in a meet.

450 50 feet or so

These suck, a lot. I think I'm going to start doing at least a few runs with 400-500 every week to get my back, core, and legs used to having the load on them.

Goerner Stroll
These are in an upcoming USAWA comp, so I figured I would give it a shot. I only wanted to do one run because my thumbs are not conditioned for hooking.

240 x 16.5'

405x 2 singles
I wanted to do a little more, but the stones were dirty and I kept slipping. I still kind of have a mental block on these I think and once I started slipping I just stopped.

Pinch Grip
2 25 lb plates
we decided to go for revolutions around our bodies
10 reps
15 reps
6 reps (I started laughing)
Troy was a dick and did a set of 25 revolutions.

1" V Bar
I think I got 200. I am not that strong on these.

Standing abs
one or two sets

Plank with a band row
3 sets of 10 per side

This seems like a lot, but it was pretty low volume on everything so I didn't feel like I did very much.