95 x a bunch
up to 135 by a couple per set
Deadlift (Coan Phillipi week 2)
worked up to 495x1 using Ciavatonne grip (double overhand, no hook)
505 x 2
405 x 3 x 8 sets
These suck, but my body already feels better than it did last week the day after, so maybe it'll help condition my lower back.
Accessory Circuit
Straight Leg Deadlift - 275
Bent over rows - 275
Underhand lat pulldown - whatever 2 plates and 2 25's means on Jesse's lat pulldown
Goodmorning - 235
3 sets of 8 reps per exercise performed as a circuit with probably too much rest between sets (I would say 1-2 minutes. This really shows that I have been lacking in the intensity department and probably volume too on my accessory work when I am breathing heavy and ready to be done after one round.
I really like this routine. I have never got much out of pulling heavy reps. Pulling heavy singles or doubles is always what has gotten me a little progress, so this hopefully will pay off.
I agree entirely, and am curious to see what utilizing a program like this for my deadlift does for me.