Friday, May 10, 2013

ME Pressing 5-9-13

General Warm Up
Bullshitting while I finish my pre-workout

12" Log Clean and Press
85 x 5
135 x 5
205 x 3
255 x 3
305 x 2
325 x 2 (video below) I'm pretty sure this is a PR since my max log press before this was at 330.
305 x 2
295 x 2 I was going to do more, but I after the second rep I was too close to the wall behind me and I brought the log down on my face and smashed my head between the log and wall. It was unpleasant.
295 x 5 I did 4, then had to drop the log because it was all over the place and cleaned it one more time for the last press.
Mick got a video of the last two presses, so I will add them once he puts them on youtube.

Bench tricep work
I had the idea to do a board pyramid up and down with the same weight, and so I presented it to my training partners. It immediately turned into a bunch of shit talking about who would do more. Troy used 185 and made it to the 5 board, so I picked 250 as my weight to use.
Started with weight to chest x 5
1 board x 5
2 board x 5
3 board x 5
4 board x 5
5 board x 5
4 board x 3 I was done after this.

DB Incline
80 x 10
90 x 10
100 x 6
My triceps were just done.

Dumbbell lateral raises
10 x 25
15 x 10
20 x 10
25 x 10
30 x 10
25 x 10
20 x 10
15 x 10
10 x 10
5 x 10

Dumbbell front raise
10 x 10
15 x 10
20 x 10
25 x 10
30 x 10
25 x 10
20 x 10
15 x 10
10 x 10
7.5 x 15
5 x 15

I just wanted to get some more volume than I normally do on the shoulder raises.

Monster mini band pressdown
1 band per arm
5 sets of 20 rep

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Rep Squat 5-7-13

Safety Bar Squat
I was planning on using 425-450, but my body was pretty tired from Sunday still

405 x 8

Barbell paused squats
3 second pause
325 x 3
375 x 3 x 3

Reverse Ham Curl
2 plates, 3 25's assisstance x 8
2 plates, 2 25's x 5
2 plates, 1 25 x 5
2 plates, 1 25, 1 10 x 5

Donkey kicks under reverse hyper
50 pounds
10 each leg x 3

Reverse Hyper (I was doing these sets in between calf raises and abs.)
50 pounds x 10 x 5 sets

Calf Raise
135 x 20 x 3 sets on plates to get a good stretch

Ab strap pulldowns
90 pounds x 15 x 3

Events 5-5-13

Log Press/ Axle Medley
250 log/ 270 axle
alternate between the two for as many total reps in one minute

First try: 3 log presses, 2 axle presses
Second try: 2 log, 2 axle in like 45 seconds.  I just wanted to do 2 each to try to transition faster.

Farmers Walk
295 per hand
I used the big farmers handles.
2 runs x 80 feet
Neither were super fast, but felt solid.  I need to work on speed more.

14" Deadlift for reps in one minute
625 pounds
I got 5 reps in around 50 seconds.  I was shooting for 3 so I'm very happy with this.

Prowler/ Sand Bag carry medley
400 pounds on the prowler/ 250 sandbag
50 feet with each
I did one run in 19 seconds.

Stone Series
I did one run of the series in like 50 seconds.  Then I did 3 more reps with the 360 stone.

Then I did two quick 50' runs with the 250 sandbag and was done.

ME Deadlift 5-3-13

Snatch grip deadlift from 3-4" blocks
worked up to 545 x 3

Sumo Deadlift
225 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 5
415 x 5 x 2 or 3 sets

Reverse Ham curl thing x some

Fat Bar lat pulldowns
140 pounds x 12 x 3

Seated rows
3 sets of 20

Biceps, Abs

ME Press 5-2-13

We treated this day as more of just a tricep overload, since we knew we would be pressing relatively heavy on Sunday too.

Swiss Bar Bench with tampon board
110 x 5
160 x 5
160 + 40 pounds chain x 3
160 + 80 pounds chain x 3
160 + 160 pounds chain x 3
160 + 200 pounds chain x 3
210 + 200 pounds chain x 3 x 3

Reverse band seated overhead press
average bands choked around top of rack
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 5
335 x 5 x 3
335 x 3

I forget what all other tricep movements I did, but I know I did some band pressdowns, cable pressdowns, and some shoulder raises with kettlebells and dumbbells.

I also screwed around doing some curls and shoulder raises with a bamboo bar for fun.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

DE Squat 4-30-13

Safety Bar Squat
Empty bar x 3
155 x 3
245 x 3
245 + 40 pounds chain x 3
245 + 80 pounds chain x 3 x 6 sets

Split Squats
BW x 10 per leg x 2 sets
I think these might be a nice thing to work in, as long as they don't hurt my patella.

Glute Bridge
225 x 8
315 x 10 x 3 sets
I'm assuming that my 6' bar weighs 25 pounds for these.

Ham Curl
45 pounds x 10
45 x 25
45 x 15

Ab Wheel

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

USAPL Nebraska State Powerlifting Meet 4-27-13

I started having some allergy issues on 4-21, and it turned into a sinus infection.  On top of that this meet was drug tested so I was not able to really take anything to help.  My numbers weren't quite what I had hoped for, and I'm sure that was part of the reason.

507 (230 kg) - felt heavier than it should have
545 (247.5 kg) - I knew from this squat that I was not going to hit anywhere near the 580 or so I'd hoped for
561 (255 kg) - I just let myself lose tightness, and forgot to get my eyes up.  I missed this when I was like 3/4 of the way up.

After squatting I started to feel really shaky and all together not good.  I drank a bunch of water to try to help, but still felt the same going into benching.

352 (160 kg) - easy
380 (172.5 kg) - this actually felt pretty easy too
402 (182.5 kg) - I got stuck.  This was probably a combination of just not being as strong of bencher as I should be, feeling awful, and not being able to really feel good with the setup.

After this I drank like half a gallon of ice water, and they also turned some ventilation fans on to get the air moving.  Just cooling down a little bit made me feel a ton better going into deadlifting.

I was feeling kind of apprehensive about my opener, so I started warming up way to early just to make sure I didn't need to change it.  After working up to a super easy 545, I decided to leave it alone.

605 (275 kg) - smoked it
650 (295 kg) - easy - I was actually only going to go somewhere around 630, but Mike Taylor had me go higher.  I'm glad I did.
678 (307.5 kg) - I maybe should have gone a little bit lighter, but Mike picked this weight and I trust his judgement based on how I had looked.  I pulled it to just about my knees pretty quick, then just ran out of gas to get it any further and lock it out.

This just gives me some numbers to shoot for in September when I compete again.  I would like to go 585-600, 400+, and 675-700.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Events 4-14-13

Warm Up things
- jump rope
-med ball tosses
-prowler walks
not in that order

Log clean once
270 x 5
270 x 4
270 x 3

I could definitely tell that my body was tired on this.  Probably from spending the whole day before doing some landscaping in my yard.

2 80' runs with 245 per hand

Car DL
This is where things actually got heavy for the day.  We had no idea how much weight was actually at the handles until we weighed the frame after we were done.  Turns out the empty frame was 285 at the handle.

+200 x 5
+290 x 5
+380 x 3It turns out that Jesse was also standing on the frame for this set, so it was actually probably heavier than my top set since he weighs 240.
+470 x 3
+560 x 3

Keg Medley
270 and 220 keg x 80' each
2 runs
The first run was not fast.  The second run I thought was fast.

We are kind of getting in the habit of not loading stones enough again.  Even though the Gus is a keg load, I think I am going to make sure to get some stone loading in.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Squat 4-9-13

Jump Rope
Box Jumps

Safety Bar Squat
75 x 5
165 x 5 x 2
255 x 5 x 2
345 x 3
455 x 5
455 x 3

I was hoping for 8 here, but I'm not disappointed at all because this is the heaviest weight I've ever done for reps on this, and just a few weeks ago I barely got 8 with 425.

Paused Front Squat
275 x 2 x 3 sets

Glute Bridge
265 x 8
355 x 8 x 3

Inverse Ham Curl
4 plates assistance
3 sets of 6-8

Ab Strap Pulldown
Reverse Delt raises (I need to start doing these a couple times a week, along with more band pull aparts and things.)

Monday, April 8, 2013

4-7 Events

I got a really bad upset stomach the night before, and it carried over into training.  On top of that I was really sore and tired from the week of lifting.  It ended up being a decent day still.  It's days like this that make me confident that even on a day that I feel terrible I can still push myself and do well.

12" Log Clean and Press each
270 x 5 in 60 seconds
I had the sixth on my chest but ran out of time.  With some work, I think I'll get 6-8 on this.  I just need a little better conditioning with cleaning each.
300 x 3 press one, then clean 2 more

Farmer's Walk
I just skipped to my working weight instead of wasting energy.
300 per hand x 80 feet x 2 runs
I felt like the first run was ok, then the second run I was moving along pretty quickly.
Again, it's nice to know that even with my back and legs feeling like dog shit that the pick and my grip aren't a problem up to this weight.

Car DL Simulator
I did not want to do this at all, then Troy did 26 reps so I knew I had to do it and get to at least 20.
600 pounds x 22 reps in 60 seconds
I'm going to try this with my suit on and straps down next week to see how it feels.

Keg Load
290 x 8

Keg Medley (we kept it lighter)
250 keg, 200 keg
80 feet each x 1 run

4-5 ME Deadlift

We were planning on going for a max double.  Little did we know that benching heavy after not benching at all for 6+ weeks would make us very sore, especially our backs and hamstrings.

245 x 3
335 x 3
445 x 2
535 x 2
585 x 1
625 x 1 no straps, then I tried to strap up and pull another and failed.

I'm honestly not too upset that I pulled 625 being really sore from the day before.  I'm hoping to hit close to 650 in the meet.

Lat Pulldown with narrow handle
140 x 10 x 4

Reverse GHR thing
sets of 5, I had 180 pounds of assisstance

I can't remember what else, probably not much.

4-4 Press

We decided to not really follow the cube and to see where our paused bench was at since we are competing in a few weeks in the USAPL Nebaraska State Meet.  Benching with flat feet pretty much takes any leg drive out for me.

135 x 5 x 2
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 3
315 x 1
350 x 1
375 x 1
405 x 1 x 2 the first was ok, the second I had my ass way off the bench

Pin Press
225 x 3
205 x 5 x 3

I feel like I did some kind of tricep work here, but don't remember what.

Grenade ball single arm Tricep pressdown
weight x 10-12 x 4

DB front and lateral raises
I kept these light and tried to focus on just using my shoulder, and not my lat and back.
15 x 10-12 x 3 sets each

Jump Rope

4-2 DE Squat

4-2 DE Squat

315 x 2 x 5

I switched to front squat because my shoulders and elbows were bothering me.
315 x 2 x 3

a bunch

Leg Extension
100 x 10 x 3


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Squat 3-26-13

Tonight was supposed to be a deload, but for several different reasons we justified going for a heavy single.

135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 3
405 x 1
add belt
495 x 1
545 x 1
575 x 1 PR
585 x 1 new PR  (previous PR was 563)

Glute Bridge
265 x 5 x 5

Single Leg leg press
2 plates x 10 per leg x 3 sets

Good Morning
135 x 10 x 3

Prowler drag/ push medley
40' backward drag, 40' push on low handle
down and back was one
90 pounds x 3
140 x 2
140 x 3
140 x 2 non stop

Crunches on swiss ball

Sunday, March 24, 2013


I was tired, and just about everything hurt from Friday still.

Pressing went terrible and felt bad
Axle 295 x 2

Strict Press
155 x 5
175 x 5
195 x 5
225 x 1
255 x 1
275 x fail (I really think it would benefit me to have a better strict press, if for no other reason then it would mean I probably had improved my tricep strength.)
225 x 3 x 2

Pretty much everything else I had planned was off the table at this point, so I decided to consider this my deload, and probably do some heavier work next week.

Saxon bar grip stuff (I really like this thing, and think it is a great tool for building overall grip strength, and a lot of hand strength.)
3" side
85 x 3
135 x 3
185 x 1

4" side
85 x 5, 3, 20
105 x 10, 12
125 x 2

Hanging leg raises by some.

Rep Deadlifts

This was done at Omaha Barbell.

Warm Up
Lacrosse ball rolling
Box Jumps
Jump Rope
Kettlebell Swing

RE Pull
265 x 5
355 x 3
420 x a couple
add straps
535 x 8 (10 pound rep PR)
these didn't feel too bad, so I got the idea to pull a couple heavy singles
605 x 1 alternate grip, just to do something over 6 with no straps
635 x 1 with straps (2 months ago this was a PR, now I am pulling it after a heavy rep day, and a heavy single before)

Sumo Axle Deadlift
all DOH since we were using this as a grip exercise too
240 x 5 x 2 sets
300 x 5
320 x 3
340 x 1
360 x most of 1, but still a fail

Meadows Rows
110 on bar x 10
155 on bar x 10 x 3 sets

Fat Bar lat pulldown
90 x 10
180 x 10 x 4
180 x 10 underhand grip
90 x 10 x 2 underhand grip

Curl Variations (fat e-z bar, swiss bar) x some (just enough to get a good gun pump)

Yoke walk/ push medley
they have the Rogue yoke with skids so that it can be pushed
350 x 40 feet x 2 (carry, push)
350 x 40 feet x 1 (carry, push, carry)
since these felt good, we decided to add some weight and just do the walk
530 x 40 feet 
710 x 40 feet
800 x 40 feet
850 x 40 feet

Spud strap ab pulldowns
90 x 15
140 x 10
140 x 10
90 x 5
90 x 10

Thursday, March 21, 2013

ME Squat 3-19-13

My body just wasn't ready for a ME day today, but we did it anyway.

Safety Bar Squat
155 x 5
245 x 3 x 2
335 x 3
425 x 1
475 x 1
515 x fail (shouldn't have tried this with how I felt)
475 x 1 x 3
335 x 3 just to check depth.  I felt like I was stopping myself higher than normal, and I was still way below parallel.

assisted with monster mini
8 x 3 sets

Mini band abduction
12 x 3 sets

Calf raise on leg press
25 x 3 sets

150 x a bunch with a pause
200 x 10 per hand with a pause for a couple sets
150 x some more

I was dragging ass and ready to be done, so we called it a night.

Events 3-17-13

We decided to do a run through of the events for the Gus this year.

Log Clean and Press each rep

260 pounds x 6 reps
These felt ok.  I think I would like to hit 8 on this.

Farmers walk 80'
300 pounds per hand
14.xx seconds
not blazing, but not slow
I'm actually just happy that the grip was not a problem, because my hands felt like shit.

Car Deadlift simulator
600 pounds x 21 reps in 60 sec.

Keg Load over 48"
290 x 8 reps
I easily could have got more, but the keg was bouncing so erratically when it landed that I lost a couple seconds or so just getting it back to me each load.

Keg Carry Medley 60'
270 and 290 keg
I finished in like 44 seconds

Then we messed around with the Rolling Thunder and went home.

DE Pull from 3-15-13

Went to OBB again tonight.  Again, I liked it a lot because there was almost nobody there when we were.

General warm up stuff:
band pull aparts

Box Jumps to 24" or so
4 sets of 5

Deadlift (no belt, no straps)
405 x 2 DOH x 2 sets
405 x 2 alternate grip x 8 sets
rest time was just to switch weights for Troy
I decided to do some alternate grip pulling so I won't forget how, and also to get a little forearm and bicep stretch.

BB Row
265 x 5 x 2 sets
315 x 5
355 x 5

Fat Bar Lat Pulldown
180 x 8 x 2 sets
230 x 8 x 2 sets

T-Bar row
45 x 10 x 3 sets

Prowler Medley (Arm over arm pull, push back with low handles) probably like 40-50'
180 pounds x 2
270 pounds x 2

Hammer Curl
Some weights (around 45) by some reps (around 12)

ME Press from 3-14-13

 ME Press (3/14/13)

We went to Omaha Barbell tonight to check the place out.  I just went ahead and got a month's membership since it was only $30, and I don't think I will regret it.  The place has exactly what I'd want in a gym if I'm paying to be there.  It's big enough to have all the equipment I'll use, and some I don't need, and the people there are all of the same mindset, so there isn't much to worry about offending anyone.

Swiss bar press
This thing is terrible to press since the balance is so off.  It also doesn't allow you to get your elbows up in the bottom.

I worked up to like 280 x 2.

If we would have loaded bumpers I would have gone heavier, but I didn't want to drop the bar and make a scene on my first day here.

3 board Axle Press
I'm going to assume the bar weight was 20 pounds (which may be on the low side).

I worked up to 385 x 3
405 x 3 x 2

DB Incline Bench
100 x 10 x 3

Unilateral KB OHP
50 x 10
60 x 10
70 x 10  (these are way harder than they should be since the weight is behind your arm.)

Grey band pressdown
15 x 3 sets

Grenade Ball pressdown
50 x 10-15 x 3 sets

DB Front and side raise superset with Ab wheel pikes
10 raises/ 10 pikes
4 sets

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Log Press, Deads, Events, and Squats

Rep Press 3-7-13
90 x some
180 x 5
230 x 2
250 x 2
280 x 8

Tricep pulldowns with band
Overhead tricep pulldown
Some other stuff I'm forgetting.

Max Deadlift 3-8-13

Conventional Deadlift
245 x 5
335 x 5
445 x 3
535 x 1
585 x 1
625 x 1
650 x 1 Alltime PR

675 x fail - I got this to about my knees and just quit pulling.

Paused front squats / Snatch Grip deadlift superset
Squat - 225 x 3 x 3 sets
Deadlift - 445 x 5 x 3 sets (off of 4" block)

Jesse had to leave so I was out of time to do anything else.

Events Sunday 3-10-13
I was planning on hitting something fairly heavy for a triple.
I took random jumps up to 280 x 1
325 x 5

350 x 2

Strict Press
185 x 8 x 3 sets

Car Deadlift Simulator
400 x 5
600 x 3
800 x 2

Keg Load 250
3 sets of 3
1 set of 6

Grip work, mostly with the saxon bar.

That was it for the day.  It was snowing and really shitty outside so we didn't get out at all and didn't do any conditioning or anything.

Rep Squat 3-12-13
Safety bar Squat
155 x 5
245 x 5
295 x 3
335 x 3
425 x 8  This has to be a rep PR

Safety bar Squat with 3 second pause at bottom
335 x 2 x 3 sets

Leg Press - Single Leg
sled + 90 x 10, 10, 10, 15 each leg
Light gripper work (150) in between sets of this

Seated Leg Extension
70 x 10 x 3

Leg Curl
70 x 10 x 2
90 x 15
we might have done 4 sets of this

Band Abductor things
4 sets of 10

1 minute x 3

Friday, February 22, 2013

Last couple workouts


Seated press, axle
140 x 3 x 8
I started these from lockout.

Bench, paused, with ram
I used an axle for the bar.
300 x 5
350 x 5 x 3

Axle incline
210 x 10 x 3

Blast strap overhead tricep extension superset with side raise.

Band pressdown with front raise.

treadmill x 5 rounds
Burpees x 5 rounds

Rep lower

Snatch grip deadlift from 4" block
Up to 515 x 6
575 x 1

Goodmorning superset with front squat
5 goodmorning
3 front squat

5 x 4

DB row
200 x 5 x 4

DB pullover
50 x 10 x 3

Calf raise x 20
Shrug 210 x 10 with axle
Rear delt raise

Sunday, February 10, 2013

USAWA Grip Championships and Events 2-10-13

Troy, who has an exceptional grip, wanted to do this so I said I would go.  My grip is ok, but not great, and not even close to where I want it to be so I wasn't sure about how a grip competition would go.  The events were some that I had at least done before and so I figured it would be good to test where I was at.  Plus, this was at the Dino Gym and I'll take about any opportunity to go there even to just look at all the stuff Al has.

2 Hand Pinch Grip
I ended up getting 240, I think if we would have had a little less front hang I could have got 255

2" V Bar
I only got 210, which I am not happy about at all.  I should have moved my hand so that the bar wouldn't have rotated at the top.  I missed 225 twice because it was rotating and I dropped it.

Fulton Bar DL Ciavatonne Grip (overhand with no hook)
I only got 320, which is about 40 pounds less than I expected.  This really got under my skin.

Overall, the day was really fun.  It also made me realize I need to start working my grip a lot more.  Troy and I messed around with a bar that Al had made that he calls a stone bar.  It is basically a sphere that he made and put an axle through.  We set it up in the rack and picked it up from about lap height.  These were not easy, and I really want to build something like this now.

Warm up and stuff.

Log C&P
90 x some
180 x 5
230 (I'm not actually sure I did this weight)
270 x 5 x 3 sets all push press.  I think working on my push press instead of a jerk on the log will help me in the long run.  And at least it will help me build my tricep strength.

Monster DB
I brought my 150 dumbbell to mess around with.
My right arm is easy, my left arm just feels awkward so balance is an issue.
I think I did 6 singles with each arm.

250 x 60
450 x 60 x 2
650 x 60 I was planning on doing this with no belt, but my back felt tired so I put it on.
850 x 80 with one drop.  I was moving really slow.  My feet just didn't feel good moving, and so I was taking little tiny steps.  I'm still happy that I am able to handle this weight with confidence now.  5 weeks ago it seemed like a lofty goal.  I guess just training yoke regularly really helps you get better at it.  Who would have thought?

360 x 1
360 x 2
360 x 3 these actually went up fast and felt pretty easy, but I called it good at 3.

That was it at Jesse's, but I came home and did a bunch of high rep gripper work and rice digs.  I concentrated mostly on the extension portion of the dig.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Overhead 2-7-13

Troy and I have decided that we want to start doing our overhead work standing, and since we can't quite do that at my house we are going to start going to Jesse's for these nights.

I kind of neglected a lot of my normal warm-up routine.  I didn't do any foam rolling and only did minimal stretching with bands.  Typically I would foam roll, dig into some places with a lacrosse ball, and do a decent amount of band stretching.  I realized last night that I need to start doing pull-aparts more regularly as part of a my warm up too since they help my shoulders stay pain free.

I did do 10 burpees, and that got some blood moving and got me warmed up.  These might be something to think about using more often for warm up and conditioning.

Axle (out of rack)
70 x 5
110 x 5
160 x 5
210 x 3
230 x 2
250 x 2
280 x 10 - these were all with a jerk.
280 x 5 - all push press.  I usually would say that I don't really care how I get the weight overhead, but I think doing these will help me with balance on the log and overall press strength.

Here's a link to the video of 280x10

Bench Overload
Reverse band off of a 3 board
315 x 5
385 x 2
475 x 2
505 x 1
455 x 2 x 3 sets

Superset - BB Rows and Band Pressdowns with green band - 4 sets
Band x 12 (2 narrow grip, 2 wide grip)
Rows x 8-10

Superset - Face Pulls (light band), DB lat raise (20) - 3 sets
Face Pull x 15
Lat Raise x 10

n = 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Blast Strap Pushup - n
Ab Strap pulldown - 2.5n (round up to nearest 5)
Jump rope - 10n

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Squats 2/5/13

I haven't been good about keeping this up to date.  Lately strongman has been overhead (mostly log), yoke, and stones.  Yoke has been getting a lot better.

Front Squat (DE)
225 x 2 x 10 sets

Good Morning
185 x 10
225 x 10
275 x 10
315 x 8

Mini band assisted x 5 x 3 sets

Leg Press
Sled plus 200 x 20 x 2 or 3 sets
    "                x 40

Calf raise on leg press
25 x 3 (sled plus 200)

Banded oblique pushdown
blue band x 15 x 3 sets

Jump Rope HIIT
30 on, 30 off 10 rounds
I got 80-90 jumps per round.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

ME Squat 1-22-13

PVC Roll
general warm up

135 x 5
225 x 3
315 x 3
405 x 1
475 x 1
525 x 1
550 x 1
I would have liked to go a little heavier, but between still getting over the flu and having a heavy strongman day on Sunday I didn't have more in me.

Hack Squat
I don't know how much the sled weighs on my leg press, I would guess around 100-150.
+200 x 8

+290 x 8
+380 x 8

Glute Bridge
245 x 5 x 4 sets

mini band assisted x 6 x 3 sets

Ab Wheel

Leg Extension
45 x 15 x 3 sets

Monday, January 21, 2013

Events 1-20-13

I had the flu last week, so I didn't get much done.

140 x 3
180 x 3
230 x 3
270 x 3
320 x fail
300 x 1
320 x 1 x 3

all 60 foot runs
450 x 2
650 x 2 or 3
850 - this was the best 850 has ever felt and I had no drops

210 x 60
300 x 60

load to 48"
330 x 2 or 3
360 x 3 singles
405 x 3 singles

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Cube Speed Squats 1-8-13

PVC Roll
Jump Rope

worked up by plates and quarters
315 x 2 x 10 sets

BW x 15 x 3 sets

Leg Extensions
45 x 12 x 3 sets

light band assisted x 8
monster mini assisted x 6
mini band assisted x 6
BW x 3

Calf Raise
95 x 25
145 x 25 x 2 sets

Ab Wheel
one set of 5, I had some bicep tendonitis really flaring up so these were killing my arms

Decline Sit up
BW x 20 x 2

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Last Couple Workouts

Deadlift 1/3/13

315 x 5
405 x 3
495 x 3
545 x 1
600 x 2
635 x 1 PR

DB Row
130 x 10
160 x 10
160 x 10

Good Morning
225 x 8 x 3


Events 1/6/13

Log C&P
180 x 3
230 x 3
270 x 3
320 x 1
340 x fail
I really need to figure out why I am struggling with the clean so much lately.

450 x 50 ft
650 x 50
850 x 40 with about 15 drops, but it's still a PR for weight that I've carried on yoke.
700 x 50

245 x 50
335 x 40, I dropped this.  My right hand was hurting from the yoke for some reason, and I think it affected my grip a little bit.
