Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Events 7/3

This didn't go so well because my hand and forearm were so sore I couldn't get set under the bar very well.
I worked up to 280, which I planned to do reps at and my hand hurt too much to press it. I guess I'll be deloading and doing some other stuff to try to get this recovered and fixed.

Power Stairs
9 quick reps with 350

Worked up to one rep with the 405.

Keg Medley
270, 250, 220

Carried each 40', ran back and got the next. I didn't time this. The first run was slow, the second wasn't as slow.
I think I pulled something in my left forearm, which was sore anyway, so I maybe should have considered that before doing these.

Prowler (my prowler)
2 60' sprints with 140 pounds
2 40' runs with 240 pounds

2 prowler, sledge swing medleys - 40' run with 240, run back and do 10 swings per arm with 16 pound sledge, repeat for one medley.

2 prowler suicides with 240 pounds - 50, back 40 back, 20 back
one on the low handles down, one all on high handles

Then Jesse decided he wanted to try this stupid crossfit wod, which was supposed to be 135 clean and press for 30 reps as fast as possible. We did it with 95 to see how bad it was. I finished in 1:12.

So events didn't go so well, but we got a ton of conditioning in.

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