I decided to just do some speed pulls with pretty light weight. I'm actually thinking I will do these every other week and then do my 5/3/1 weights and reps the other weeks.
315 x 3 x 10 sets
I got all of these done in about 10 minutes, maybe less.
Swiss ball glute ham raise
3 sets of 5
I really like these, and from what I remember an actual glute ham raise bench feeling like they mimic the exercise pretty well.
Glute bridge
225 x 10 x 3 sets
Hamstring curl
45 x 10
100 x 10 x 2 sets
Bent over row/ ab wheel superset
100 x 10 x 5 sets rows
5 sets of 5 on ab wheel
Jump Rope/ EZ bar curls superset (kind of conditioning)
100 jumps x 5 sets
75 x 10 x 5
This wasn't a real heavy workout by any means, but I feel pretty good about what I got done. The extra hamstring work has made my lower back and knees feel a lot better than before, which reinforces more to me that my hamstring strength is really lacking.
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