Power Clean
225 x 3 or so
275 x fail
Did some other lighter sets before the 225
405 x 5
505 x 5
525 x 1
455 x 8
455 x 10
455 x 8
455 x 3
This was just dumb and I probably could have got a couple more reps on the last set but had enough. Chuck unded up with 35 reps total I think. It was a good pissing match though.
Med Ball sit ups
a couple sets doing 10 to 15 reps or so, I didn't count.
Foam roll, band stretches, static stretching, a little yoga, pretty much anything I could think of to get some of the tightness and deep soreness out of my back.
Blast strap push ups and pull ups
I did 4 sets of each, 10 push ups and 3 to 5 pull ups per set.
Warm Up even more
235 x 5
275 x 5
305 x 5 (this was my prescribed reps and weight and was probably just about right so I stopped at 5)
I've been benching narrower trying to get more tricep work out of it so it will help me more on pressing.
Dynamic Bench
I attempted one set with 185 on the bar and the orange efs short bands. At the top the bands were probably stretched somewhere between 30 and 40 inches. This was probably a touch too much weight since the bands were around 120 pounds at the top. I did 3 reps fast and got wobbly on the 4th and got stuck. Thank god my safety bars are set just barely below my rib height so I could just get out.
Overhead (light)
I did these seated with no back support. I don't have enough room to do anything standing really so this is as good as it gets at home.
135 x 10
155 x 8
175 x 6
Nothing heavy at all, but this was just about right as far as weight. I think I'm going to start using event days as my overhead day for 5/3/1 because I want to start doing a lot of volume with the log for the next month or so.
4 sets of 5 bodyweight
Blast Strap tricep extension
3 sets of 10
Blast Strap biceps
3 sets of 10
hammer curls
3 sets of 6 to 8 somewhat heavy
EZ bar curls
3 sets of 8 to 10 with 75 and fat grips.
These killed my forearms after doing the other bicep stuff.
This was also probably the first time in at least 6 months I've done any direct bicep work. I'm happy with how the day went after the day of pulling I had before.
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