Monday, March 28, 2011

Quad Cities Strongman 3/26

I ended up having a good day overall. I took 2nd in the 265's and if I would have stayed in the HW's I would have taken first there. I got beat by Jacob Bodi who from what I figured out with Google appears to be a pretty accomplished strongman, taking 4th in the Amateur Arnold a couple weeks ago.

Event Breakdown

Press Medley (225 bar, 240 8" log, 260 axle, 280 12" log)

I flew threw the first three in 17.26 seconds, and from the video if I would have dropped the weight like most of the other competitors instead of setting it down nice I probably would have been close to 15 seconds. The 12" log was freshly painted and slick. I cleaned it and was pretty close to lockout once and missed the second time. I beat Joe by 7 hundreths of a second and took 2nd.

Farmers (280 per hand)

9.16 seconds for an 80' straight run. 1st place. Fastest time overall.

I'm not sure where exactly the speed came from on these, but I hope it never goes away. Next closest time was 9.6 something.

Carry Drag medley (230 duck walk, 450 prowler drag)

15.88 second, 1st place. This was 50' both ways. I'm pretty sure I had the fastest time overall on this too.

Again, I'm not sure where my speed came from, especially on the duck walk. The carry felt good and I think watching other people do this before me helped.

Truck pull (small moving truck)

I need some work here. I finished in like 33 seconds on an 80' course. From the pictures I see that I was nearly standing up straight and my feet are way too wide. I am going to work this hard for about the next year I think.

I took 4th out of 5 on this and this one event put me out of contention for first place.

Stones (270 stone over 42" bar for reps, 60 seconds)

I got 13 reps. I was pleased with 13, but also very disappointed because I was over excited and tried moving too quick. I set my hands bad on at least 2 reps and had to start them over. I feel like I should have got 15+ reps. I got second place here. Jacob Bodi got 16 reps.

Big kudos to Joe on this event. I think the most he got in training was 6 and he ended up with 11 reps.

I know it's nothing to hang my head about, but at the same time I'm disappointed with the outcome. I also know I'm not going to win all the time, but I feel like a couple of stupid mistakes aside I had a good chance of taking first. If I would have stuck with the original plan and competed at 266+ I would have taken first there, but I also would not have tested myself against established competitors like I did at 265.

Great job to everyone else who went. Corey probably made a few guys in his weight class cry. Ian had a great day for his first meet. Joe pushed me and was barely outside of the top 3.

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