Friday, May 10, 2013

ME Pressing 5-9-13

General Warm Up
Bullshitting while I finish my pre-workout

12" Log Clean and Press
85 x 5
135 x 5
205 x 3
255 x 3
305 x 2
325 x 2 (video below) I'm pretty sure this is a PR since my max log press before this was at 330.
305 x 2
295 x 2 I was going to do more, but I after the second rep I was too close to the wall behind me and I brought the log down on my face and smashed my head between the log and wall. It was unpleasant.
295 x 5 I did 4, then had to drop the log because it was all over the place and cleaned it one more time for the last press.
Mick got a video of the last two presses, so I will add them once he puts them on youtube.

Bench tricep work
I had the idea to do a board pyramid up and down with the same weight, and so I presented it to my training partners. It immediately turned into a bunch of shit talking about who would do more. Troy used 185 and made it to the 5 board, so I picked 250 as my weight to use.
Started with weight to chest x 5
1 board x 5
2 board x 5
3 board x 5
4 board x 5
5 board x 5
4 board x 3 I was done after this.

DB Incline
80 x 10
90 x 10
100 x 6
My triceps were just done.

Dumbbell lateral raises
10 x 25
15 x 10
20 x 10
25 x 10
30 x 10
25 x 10
20 x 10
15 x 10
10 x 10
5 x 10

Dumbbell front raise
10 x 10
15 x 10
20 x 10
25 x 10
30 x 10
25 x 10
20 x 10
15 x 10
10 x 10
7.5 x 15
5 x 15

I just wanted to get some more volume than I normally do on the shoulder raises.

Monster mini band pressdown
1 band per arm
5 sets of 20 rep

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Rep Squat 5-7-13

Safety Bar Squat
I was planning on using 425-450, but my body was pretty tired from Sunday still

405 x 8

Barbell paused squats
3 second pause
325 x 3
375 x 3 x 3

Reverse Ham Curl
2 plates, 3 25's assisstance x 8
2 plates, 2 25's x 5
2 plates, 1 25 x 5
2 plates, 1 25, 1 10 x 5

Donkey kicks under reverse hyper
50 pounds
10 each leg x 3

Reverse Hyper (I was doing these sets in between calf raises and abs.)
50 pounds x 10 x 5 sets

Calf Raise
135 x 20 x 3 sets on plates to get a good stretch

Ab strap pulldowns
90 pounds x 15 x 3

Events 5-5-13

Log Press/ Axle Medley
250 log/ 270 axle
alternate between the two for as many total reps in one minute

First try: 3 log presses, 2 axle presses
Second try: 2 log, 2 axle in like 45 seconds.  I just wanted to do 2 each to try to transition faster.

Farmers Walk
295 per hand
I used the big farmers handles.
2 runs x 80 feet
Neither were super fast, but felt solid.  I need to work on speed more.

14" Deadlift for reps in one minute
625 pounds
I got 5 reps in around 50 seconds.  I was shooting for 3 so I'm very happy with this.

Prowler/ Sand Bag carry medley
400 pounds on the prowler/ 250 sandbag
50 feet with each
I did one run in 19 seconds.

Stone Series
I did one run of the series in like 50 seconds.  Then I did 3 more reps with the 360 stone.

Then I did two quick 50' runs with the 250 sandbag and was done.

ME Deadlift 5-3-13

Snatch grip deadlift from 3-4" blocks
worked up to 545 x 3

Sumo Deadlift
225 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 5
415 x 5 x 2 or 3 sets

Reverse Ham curl thing x some

Fat Bar lat pulldowns
140 pounds x 12 x 3

Seated rows
3 sets of 20

Biceps, Abs

ME Press 5-2-13

We treated this day as more of just a tricep overload, since we knew we would be pressing relatively heavy on Sunday too.

Swiss Bar Bench with tampon board
110 x 5
160 x 5
160 + 40 pounds chain x 3
160 + 80 pounds chain x 3
160 + 160 pounds chain x 3
160 + 200 pounds chain x 3
210 + 200 pounds chain x 3 x 3

Reverse band seated overhead press
average bands choked around top of rack
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 5
335 x 5 x 3
335 x 3

I forget what all other tricep movements I did, but I know I did some band pressdowns, cable pressdowns, and some shoulder raises with kettlebells and dumbbells.

I also screwed around doing some curls and shoulder raises with a bamboo bar for fun.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

DE Squat 4-30-13

Safety Bar Squat
Empty bar x 3
155 x 3
245 x 3
245 + 40 pounds chain x 3
245 + 80 pounds chain x 3 x 6 sets

Split Squats
BW x 10 per leg x 2 sets
I think these might be a nice thing to work in, as long as they don't hurt my patella.

Glute Bridge
225 x 8
315 x 10 x 3 sets
I'm assuming that my 6' bar weighs 25 pounds for these.

Ham Curl
45 pounds x 10
45 x 25
45 x 15

Ab Wheel