Tuesday, October 2, 2012

USAPL Power Surge 9/22/12

I have really dropped the ball on keeping my blog updated for all of the 3 people who actually read it or care about what I'm doing in the gym.  Since I can hardly remember a workout 24 hours after it is finished I am not even going to try to recap all of them.

I decided to compete in my second ever powerlifting meet, and the first full meet I've ever done.  It was in Alliance, so it was convenient and also a lot of fun because I got to lift in a meet with my dad.  I competed in raw which in USAPL mean belt, wrist wraps, and single ply knee sleeves are allowed.

562.xx - This was an all time raw PR of a little over 7 pounds.

All weights are approximate conversions from kilos.

375 - I did this easily, but I lifted my head off the bench so I got redlighted
385 - I planned on going for around 400, but I knew I was going to be more concerned with keeping my head down than anything so I took a smaller jump.

628.xx - This is an all time PR of 3 pounds, if you count deadlifts that I didn't hitch then it is a 13 pound PR. It felt pretty easy, so it reassured me that my goal of hitting a 650 dead by May, 2013 is definitely in reach.

I ended up with a 715 kilo total (1576.289 pounds) which I was very pleased with.  I had to be over 1565 to get on the top 100 total list for USAPL, and this should put me somewhere around number 95 on the list. I also set the Nebraska state record for total, beating all 3 previous lifts, by about 165 pounds.

I ended up winning the Raw Open 125+ division, which doesn't mean shit because I was the only lifter in it.  I won Best Lifter in the meet though too, which means a lot more.

Also, since I think just about everyone who could possibly read this knows my dad too, he did pretty well.  He ended up with like a 402 bench (with a shirt).  He wanted to go for around 415, which I think he has in him easily, but his second attempt he had his hands on the wrong marks and got off balance so he stayed with the same weight.

I really enjoyed this meet, and am going to plan on doing more powerlifting meets in the future.

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