Friday, May 4, 2012

The last week or so.

Sunday 4-29 Events Pressing all felt like garbage, so that's not worth going into. It was raining so we couldn't get outside to do the keg medley. 14" Deadlift worked up to 1 at 650. This was heavy, but I think I could get a little more out of it. Farmers Hold These were pretty awful. I'm supposed to do 300 per hand. I did it, but my hands were killing me and it felt like I was going to tear something. My grip wasn't going to give out but I set them down anyways short of 20 seconds. I'm guessing I will need to be well over 30 to even be in the running on this event. Stones. I have to do 330 for reps at KSM. My first set was 330 x 8, I probably got 5 or 6 of these in the minute allowed. Outside of the minute I was just taking a second between the last few to get more tacky. I'm hoping for at least 6 at the competition. Those all felt good so I decided to take a run at the 405 for a rep or two. I also wanted to do this because Jesse tried to load it and couldn't get it out of his lap. I ended up getting 3. Not easy, but not hard either. I also discovered that I still have a little bit of a mental block with heavier stones that's probably going to take awhile getting comfortable with. one down set at 250 x 10 Prowler 5 60' runs with 90 pounds Tuesday 5-1 Deadlift Coan Phillipi week 5 505 x 3 x 3 405 x 3 x 3 None of these felt that great, probably because of the stones Sunday. Power Shrugs 375 x 5 x 3 Straight Leg DL 295 x 5 x 3 Bent over row 295 x 5 x 3 Let Pulldown weight x 5 x 3 Good Morning 225 x 5 x 3 Abs Sledge Swings 3 sets of 5 with the 60 pound sledge Thursday 5-3 Upper Seated OHP 135 x 5 185 x 3 225 x 3 (pretty sure this is a rep pr seated) Bench 225 x 3 275 x 3 335 x 3 I did all these paused at the bottom. I think I might do the Cornhusker State Games in July and need to get used to benching like this. Dips 3 sets of 5 Hills 6 runs These suck, a lot, with the warmer weather and humidity.

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