Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sunday 7-22 and Lower 7-24

Monster DB
I worked up to a pretty easy single at 167, with my right arm only since I can't figure out how to hold it with my left.
I gave 187 a couple tries, but just couldn't quite get it pressed.  I think with a little training 200 is definitely attainable in the near future.

That's really all that happened that's worth putting down.  I was struggling with the chest congestion that I've had for a week and felt like shit.

Safety Bar Box Squat
The warm ups were to a 17" box which is right at, or maybe just a little below parallel for me.  The work sets I added a plate on top of the box so I was probably just above parallel.
335 + 40 pounds chain x 2
335 + 80 pounds chain x 2 x 2 sets
385 + 80 pounds chain x 2
425 + 80 pounds chain x 1   I got pinned on the box on my second one.
385 +120 pounds chain x 2  I might have done this for 2 sets

245 x 20 no box

I did some light hammer curls in between sets.

Glute Bridge
120 x 5
210 x 5
300 x 5
390 x 5 x 2

I need to do these more often.

Ab Wheel x 5 - My abs were still sore from whatever I did Sunday so I switched to Paloff Presses and Planks for 3 sets a piece.

I did the 200 pounds gripper for 10 per hand with a hold for 3 sets, took my dogs for a nice little 20 or 30 minute walk, and called it a night.

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