Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sunday 7-22 and Lower 7-24

Monster DB
I worked up to a pretty easy single at 167, with my right arm only since I can't figure out how to hold it with my left.
I gave 187 a couple tries, but just couldn't quite get it pressed.  I think with a little training 200 is definitely attainable in the near future.

That's really all that happened that's worth putting down.  I was struggling with the chest congestion that I've had for a week and felt like shit.

Safety Bar Box Squat
The warm ups were to a 17" box which is right at, or maybe just a little below parallel for me.  The work sets I added a plate on top of the box so I was probably just above parallel.
335 + 40 pounds chain x 2
335 + 80 pounds chain x 2 x 2 sets
385 + 80 pounds chain x 2
425 + 80 pounds chain x 1   I got pinned on the box on my second one.
385 +120 pounds chain x 2  I might have done this for 2 sets

245 x 20 no box

I did some light hammer curls in between sets.

Glute Bridge
120 x 5
210 x 5
300 x 5
390 x 5 x 2

I need to do these more often.

Ab Wheel x 5 - My abs were still sore from whatever I did Sunday so I switched to Paloff Presses and Planks for 3 sets a piece.

I did the 200 pounds gripper for 10 per hand with a hold for 3 sets, took my dogs for a nice little 20 or 30 minute walk, and called it a night.

Friday, July 13, 2012

This week

Tuesday 7/10
I did some random snatches and cleans and stuff to warm up.

18" Deadlift
I worked up to singles at 625, 715, and then 750. All went up pretty easily. 750 was a 45 pound PR on this lift. I would have gone up again, but I had other things planned.

Car Deadlift
This wasn't exactly a success. I had to use Jesse's Blazer, and so to be able to pick it the lever was basically at the back of the frame. I added a couple hundred pounds to it, did a couple reps, and was tired of screwing around with it.

Safety Bar Squat
315 x 2 x 3
405 x 2 x 2

These didn't feel too bad.

Barbell Rows
I started with 245 and went up from there. I only did 3 or 4 sets.

Kettlebell Tabata

I'm not sure what the weights were, but we had three different kettlebells. We rotated between them each round and did 9 rounds of swings.

I went swimming with Cassie at Troy's pool. We swam for 30-45 minutes and I just swam laps the whole time.

Thursday 7/12
I was by myself and didn't really have a plan, so I decided to do some reverse bands for sets of 3 or so. I figured out that the band tension at my chest was around 60-65 pounds and basically nothing at the top. I used light bands.

315 x 5
365 x 3 x 5 (I actually think this was 6 sets, but I lost track and so I just erred on the side of caution to make sure I did them all.)

These were all pretty easy. I think I would have bumped the weight to 385 or 405 if I had a spotter there, mostly for the lift off.


85 pound dumbbell for 10
100 pound db for 10 x 2

I did these all with a neutral grip. I think I would have increased the reps or sets if I had someone there to spot. These all went up easy.

I did some random barbell rows and curls in between some of these sets.

Dumbbell Row Conditioning
10 reps per arm
do one side, rest ten seconds, do the other side, repeat 5 rounds
I used an 85 pound dumbbell. These weren't super hard, but I think 100 would have been too much. I kept my form fairly strict.

Jump Rope Tabata style
10 rounds

I also took my dogs on a 20 minute or so walk after.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Last Week

Since I forgot to post all last week I will do my best to remember.

Tuesday 7/3 Squat

I did a few light snatches to warm up a little.

Safety Bar Box Squat
I used one more plate, so I was squatting to may 14 or 15 inches, so well below parallel. I think I would be at parallel with an 18" box.

I know the safety bar weighs 65 or something like that, but for simplicity I just consider it 45 pounds.

worked up to 365 x 2 x 2
405 x 2 x 3
365 x 2 x 2

The weight on these seems super low to look at, but they suck to do.

Safety Bar Good Morning
185 x 8 x 4 (this could have only been 3 sets, but I know I was planning 4)

I know I'm missing something here.

Sled Drags

400 pounds, not sure how many trips I did.

Thursday 7/5 Upper

Jesse came over so I had someone to do an upper body workout with finally.

I did double up to 375 paused. I tried to go 405 but missed it.

Incline with chains

Weight was 205-225 with 80 to 120 pounds of chain. I did a few sets of 3-5.

Barbell Rows
225 x 10
275 x 10
315 x 5
365 x 3
385 x 3

Thick handle dumbbell deadlift and hold for grip 140 or so for 5 sets.

Dumbbell Row
100 x 20
100 x 15

Jump Rope Tabata (Kind of)
I just do 50 jumps and then rest 10 seconds per round. I figured out I almost always hit 49-51 jumps per 20 seconds for a tabata anyway.

10 rounds

Friday 7/6
Lots of stretching and foam rolling.

Jump Rope
75 x 2
Tabata style for 17 rounds, for a total of 1000 jumps in about 10 minutes.

Sunday 7/8 Events
Axle Medley
225, 250, 275, 300, 325

The first 4 went up pretty easily. The last was on an axle that I always seem to have more trouble cleaning, and I missed the clean and so I missed the press. I actually don't feel too bad about this because I know I could get the press if I get the clean done well.

My hands were not feeling too great after spending the whole day moving Troy on Saturday. I just did a not too impressive 60' run with 280.

Tire Flip
One 80 foot run with the 600.

I used the 330 stone and did 10 reps. They were pretty slow, maybe took me 2-3 minutes to finish, my body felt pretty terrible after moving all day the day before, so I was just happy to get this in.

Now I just have to decide if I want to do this contest last minute or not.